García Brothers | Still Not

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A/N: This is part 2 of the García Brothers' imagine 'Not Anymore'.


You were in prison because you supposedly killed Marina Nunier Osuna. But truth was, you didn't; Polo did, yet you couldn't say anything to anyone. Carla was going to pay your bail in return of your silence. You couldn't believe you were protecting a murderer, but that was your only way out of there safe and sound. They paid you a visit, assuring you that in a maximum of two days you would be free. Polo looked freaked out, looking around with wide eyes, but he never met your gaze. Carla kept her hand in his all the time, surely to calm him down. She did all the talking; it was evident she was always in control of everything. You just hoped she would keep her promise. But to you she looked like a woman of word, so you trusted her.

You just left the visitor centre when the speaker announced you had visitors again. Carla and Polo had just left. You doubted your family would come to see you, so who could it be? Fear crept into your mind as you thought about Guzmán and his family. With short and unsure steps you turned back to the visitor centre. When you saw who was waiting for you your eyes filled with tears. Your brothers were rigid and coldly stared at you, but your mother was nowhere to be seen. You have been in prison for four days already, and that was the first time they came to see you. You sat down and took the telephone, barely able to whisper a greeting.

"What were they doing here? Carla and Polo?" Samuel asked, eyebrows furrowed, taking you aback.

"They... They were making sure I was fine," you answered, not telling him the whole truth.

"As if they cared," he scoffed, "those hypocrites."

"Not that you care more than them," you retorted.

Nano took the telephone from Samuel, "Did they make you do it? That's why they were here. Am I right?"

"I didn't do it," you deadpanned, "and they have nothing to do with it either."

"Why are you so defensive?"

"Because you exasperate me!" You sighed, "You keep telling me I commited a crime I didn't do. Try being in my place, how would you react?"

"Y/n, I found you covered in Marina's blood near her lifeless body. Nano and I both loved her, you try being in our places and tell me what you'd think," Samuel challenged.

"I would believe my brothers, because I know they wouldn't kill anyone, let alone hurt someone I loved," you replied truthfully. If it were one of them on the other side of the bars you wouldn't even doubt them, knowing your brothers wouldn't lie to you.

"But I saw you," Samuel accused again.

"Did you see me kill her?" You questioned, "No, you saw me crying over her body, screaming for help."

He knew you were right and stayed silent. You hoped he'd understand and finally believe you.

"How did you find her?" Nano asked.

"I already told the police and you everything," you took a deep breath, "I entered the swimming pool and there she was, I run to her and she was still breathing, she looked scared and I didn't know what to do, I could leave her alone and I cried for help."

"But what were you doing there?"

"Nano, I don't need another questioning, I've already gone through that."

"I don't care, just answer the damn questions."

"Nothing, I was taking a break from the chaos in the gym." You licked your lips and started drumming your fingers on the windowsill.

"You're lying," your big brother knew you too well.

"Oh so now you know when  I'm lying and when I'm saying the truth! But when I tell you that I didn't kill her you can't tell the difference, right?" You snapped.

"What were you doing there, y/n?" He squinted his eyes, trying to look intimidating.

"Don't try and scare me, big brother, because you don't."

"Answer me!" He slapped his hand on the windowsill.

You pot your best poker face on, looked him in the eyes and steadied your voice, "I was supposed to meet someone."




"Because I was going to fuck him."

"And that's why you killed Marina!" Samuel grabbed the telephone from Nano, "She saw you and you were scared and killed her! Polo helped you, didn't he? And then he run away!"

"Samuel, I got there when she was already dying! Polo wasn't there yet."

"Bullshit! Why are you protecting him?"

"I am not! I'm just stating the facts as they happened," at this point you didn't care if he believed you or not anymore. You just wanted this conversation to be over.

You sighed heavily as Samuel took the telephone again, "Then where was Polo? Why didn't he come to meet you?"

You didn't prepare the answer to that question and you stuttered, "I- I don't know. Carla was probably keeping him."

"I knew you were protecting him! You two have done it together!" Your twin accused.

"I'm sick and tired of this continuous false accusations coming from you, Samuel! You're my twin brother, you should know me better than anyone else!"

"But I don't," he lowered his gaze, "maybe I never knew you."

"Samuel, please!" Your palm came in contact with the window separating you from them, "Don't say that."

He only shook his head and passed the telephone to Nano.

"I think what Samuel said is true," he started, "but I also believe you now."

You smiled a small smile, "What is that exactly supposed to mean?"

"It means that I believe you didn't kill Marina," he smiled at you and you almost cried, "but I think Samuel's right and you are covering for Polo."

You internally panicked, you couldn't let them know the truth. Otherwise you wouldn't get out of there. "I'm not covering for anyone Nano, I just ended up there at the wrong time."

"Don't worry, little sister," he assured you, but his best words only worried you more, "I'll make sure that you get out as soon as possible and that fucker gets in there."

"Nano, don't!" You vented, "I don't want you to get into trouble, or ruin someone's life-"

"I'll be fine," he interrupted, "I'm sorry the last time I talked to you I said horrible things."

He passed the telephone to his brother and motioned for him to say sorry too, but he didn't share Nano's point of view, "As I said, you did it together, so no, I'm not sorry for what I've told you and if Nano accepted you back as his sister, I don't. You're still not my sister." He put down the telephone and left. Nano gave you one last glance and went after him.

You sat there looking at the empty seat. You were happy Nano believed you now, but you were worried he'd cause more trouble now that he suspected Polo. But the most prominent feeling was the hurt Samuel's words had caused you.

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