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My finger taps against my sleeved forearm as I watch through the one way glass.

"Now I'm going to ask again...where the fuck the money is!?" Miles yells in the persons face, my finger twitching slightly.

"How's he doing?" Alec asks, coming into the room.

"Your friend has a short temper." I utter,

"If he doesn't get it under control it's goin to end up bein his breakin point." I add, my eyes were focused on the scene in front of me but I could feel Alec's burning staring.

"Fine." Miles says, he pulls out his gun and whacks the guy with the butt of it. He walks out of the room,

"So?" Miles asks, glancing at me and Alec.

"Your too stiff." I bluntly say,

"It shows your angry, the person will use that against you." I finish, walking past the two guys and out into the abandon city setting.  We were miles away from North, my nose takes a long intake of dampness.  I silently exhale, truth was I didn't want to be here but I was called under Alec's name to help with finding his missing money.  One of my phones vibrates in my back pocket and I pull it out, Jun's ID pops up.

"Mm." I answer, pressing the cold screen to my ear.

"When are you coming back?" He asks, worry evidently in his tone.  I glance at my watch,

"Maybe in 30 minutes." I mutter, I hear footsteps from behind me and Alec appears beside me.

"Where's Alec?  He isn't answering his damn phone." Jun says, I pull the screen from my ear and hand it to Alec.

"Hello?" He says, his voice soft but emotionless.  His facial expression changes slightly,

"Yeah she's fine....no.  We're at the abandon city outside of North ." He states, shifting his weight to his other leg.

"Yeah...we'll be back in a couple minutes....the hell? No, are you crazy?" He exclaims,

"Jun....she's gonna skin us both alive." He mutters,

"Yeah yeah, we'll see what happens." They talk for a bit more before hanging up.  Alec hands me back my phone,

"Let's go inside." Alec says, I follow behind him as we walk back into the small room.  I hear chains shifting and my eyes move to the glass,

"Do you want me to go back in?" Miles ask, his fist clenching and unclenching.

"No, Jay will take it from here." Alec answers, I pull off my jacket and hang it on the doorknob before walking in.  The door slams shut, startlingly the person in the chair.  He looks up and quickly advert his eyes, I walk up in front of him.  Placing my shoe in between his legs, I push the chair.  It hits the wall and the victim groans, in the matter of seconds I had a gun under his chin.  His head pointed up to the ceiling, trying his best not press against the barrel.

"Where." I whisper, my tone deadly.  He whimpers, my gun digs deeper into his neck.

"In the wall in the bathroom." He chokes out, a tear slipping from his eyes.  I pull the trigger, the bullet going through his throat and into his brain, blood splatters out, his eyes widen before his head drooped backwards.  I stood straight and walk out of the room,

"She's ruthless." Miles mumbles, not noticing I had enter the room.  Alec looks to me with soft eyes,

"You get what you wanted?" I ask, sliding on the jacket.

"Yeah." He responds, his stare getting more intense.

"See you." I say, before walking out of the building and to my i8.  I unlock the car and the doors go up, I get into the drivers side.

I start the car and the doors close down, in my review mirror I see Miles and Alec walk out.  I start to drive out, my phone ringing as I turn out, I press the button on my steering wheel.

"Jay!" Esme greets, I look ahead and swerve past a slow truck.

"What?" I answer, stopping at a light.

"I'm going clubbing tonight, do you wanna come?" She asks, I make a turn to the left.

"Ok, be ready by 8." I mutter, she slightly squeals.

"Yay!  Thank you Jay!" She exclaims, I hang up.  She was among the few that were genuinely innocent and that is the very reason why I am over protective of her.  I pull up to my condo and get out, sun was setting in the background.


I pull up to Esme's apartment building and honk my horn,

Fuckin, when I find out who fucked up my cars  I'm going to stab them.

The constant thoughts were causing a huge headache but I couldn't bail on Esme.

"Sorry!" Esme squeaks, opening my car door and getting in.  The door closes and I shift my gears before speeding down the street,

"Wow!  You look so pretty Jay!" Esme says, staring in awe.  I mumble a small 'thank you' and make a turn.

"What's the matter?" Esme asks, frowning at my mood.

"I have a headache." I answer, slowly parking at the front curb of the club.

"Oh, then we can just go home!" She suggest,

"No it's ok." I say, opening the car doors and getting out.  I lock the door and walk up to the club doors Esme following close behind, eyes turn to us and Esme shift uncomfortably; hiding behind me.

"Fuck off." I growl, they quickly avert their gaze.  The bouncer quickly opens the door for us and we walk in,

"Stay close ok?" I say, walking deeper into the club and taking a seat at a table.  Esme nods and stands next to me,

"I'm going to get us drinks, bourbon?" I nod my head and she walks towards the bar.  Leans back in the barstool slightly and scan over the club.

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