Chapter 002: Walk?

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Nina's POV:

"So, do you like him?" My friend Lucy questions on the other line of the phone. I was sitting outside on my balcony, feeling the wind breeze, while on the phone speaking to my good friend, Lucy. Lucy was going through a homework crisis, calling me to help.

But it seemed more like she wanted to discuss relationships and crushes. She knows whom I like, and sometimes teases me about it. But she's very supportive of it, and often gives me the advice to confess. "I guess I do. Tyler's very sweet and just everything, I find interesting. But we don't outside of school."

Tyler never fails to give me butterflies in my stomach. He never fails to make me laugh when I am down. He never fails to give me support as a friend. Tyler doesn't fail anything. Except for Calculus. Tyler can come off cold, yet he's a caring guy. He's tall yet is a lean buff. He's dirty minded yet very smart. He is a relaxed person yet can come off as stern and scary. He can be demanding but is patient and understanding.

"I'm telling you; you guys are a made-match pair. You two are like goals! I ship this." The comment made me laugh, and I roll my eyes, acting as if she could see me. There was a knock at my door, and I see my dad enter in his police uniform. I cover my phone and lower it.

"I'll be heading down to the station. At 10 o'clock, I'd like you to be in bed, and no talking on the phone this late," I nod and give a thumbs up. "Call me, or the station if you need anything, all right? I love you." He kissed me on the head and bided me my goodnight. Yep, I'm a daddy's girl.


It was the next day at school, and everyone only spoke about the new blue moon that was added. I wonder what caused the shift, but as long as it's not harmful, I have no problem with it. Last night I did some research and printed out photos. Studying the solar system in previous classes always excited me. I love learning about the moon and exploring its beauty. I also believe it's made of cheese.

The weekend came quicker than expected, and it was Friday night. Tonight they reported that the moon would be out tonight. I knew many were going to be out, but it would be late.

It was 8 o'clock, and I finished making dinner and setting up a plate for my dad and me. It was always just us two; my mom passing a short while after giving birth to me. There were complications, which her body couldn't suffice for. My dad then took full responsibility for me, being and serving as both parents to me. He is my everything, and I'm so grateful for having a devoted father like him.

Sometimes it'd be nice to have another woman in the house, another figure to show me something a little different. But then again, I don't like it when a woman is around him.

After dinner, he set out to the station after being called for a file study on somebody. I said I would call and packed some leftovers in case he was hungry. It's tough to have a police officer like your father. He's always called out and deals with culprits every day. I wish for his safety at all costs.


I was lazing around the house. I didn't feel like writing, and some of my friends were out on prior engagements, along with it being late. I decided to go and take a walk. Maybe I'd see the moon as I walk. Bringing my small purse, and locking the house, I stepped out feeling the cool weather.

The walk was peaceful. Nobody was out like I thought. It made me feel as if I was in a horror movie. I held my mace in my jacket pocket, in case something or somebody were to come and attack.

Walking up and down the neighborhood, I walked along one street and felt a shudder run up my back. Glancing behind me, I see another figure walking. It felt quite awkward and weird, but I tried not to think anything of it. Maybe this person is also walking. Or maybe they live on this block.

"Nina, is that you?" I jump and stop in my tracks. Does this person know me? I turn around, and I see Tyler come into the little moon rays. "Oh my god, you scared me," I breathed out, placing my hand over my chest. "I thought you were some stalker or something." We laughed it off, and spoke a bit, before saying he'd go inside. I wish to not be alone and to talk to him more.

"Tyler, if you don't mind, would you like to walk with me for a while longer?" I stammered in my questioning, and I'm thankful it was a little dark, or else he would have seen my red face. "Sure." He relied immediately upon it, which took back.

What the heck did I just do!?+

(Author Note)

// Chapter 2 edited and complete! So already Nina and Tyler are walking together. Wow, they move fast. You get it? They walk and they move? -Okay, I'm sorry, I need to stop these jokes. Forgive me 😂😂 So, we have Nina's point of view. What do you think? Please vote and comment your thoughts! //

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