Chapter 009: Helpful

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Tyler's POV:

School went hectic once I returned. I was out for 2-3 days and already I'm piled with a whole stack of class work. Today was also be the day, I would be moving in with Nina and her father. They would take me in, to make sure I wasn't alone. And Nina's father would sure to find my mother. I was ever so grateful.

Andre, Nina, Lucy, and I walked in a group towards our neighborhood. It was enjoyable and it made me forget about what had happened. Only Andre knew of what I was, and Nina only knew about my suicide attempt not knowing the reason. Nobody else was to know about what was going on.

Lucy and Andre bid their goodbyes, and Nina motioned for me to come to her house. We would get in the car, drive to my house, and I would pack up some of my belongings. I didn't want to leave home, but I didn't want to be alone either.

Packing up most of my clothes, some of my drawing materials, other school needs, my own necessities, and my electronics. I made sure to grab the photo album of my made memories, and left a note in case my mom was to come back out of the blue.

I took Nina's advice and I'm trying to be positive in the case they find her.

Nina helped me put some of the boxes into the car, and we were off back to her house. There I see Nina's father wave, and come towards the car. As we got out I was introduced. "Tyler, this is my dad. Dad, this is the one I told you about, Tyler."


The greeting went smoother than I had thought, and I was given a tour of the home. It was a slight foreign feeling, but on the other hand, it was warm and welcoming. I would be staying in the guest bedroom, where my boxes were sat on the fuzzy brown carpet

"We'll leave you to unpack. I'm going to begin making dinner, so I'll call you when it's ready." I was left in the room, and I wandered around. It was nice and stylish. Unpacking, I hang up my clothes, put others in the dresser, sat my school and drawing materials on the desk, and displayed my photo album on the night stand.

"Please come home. Let me find you.." My fingers caressed the photo of my mom and I. It's not like her to disappear like that. Did I anger her that much? To the point where she vanished? Where she won't bother looking at her phone?

Closing my photo album, I exited the room, heading down the stairs. I heard the thin sheer packeting rip, making my ears twitch, and my mouth already drool. My hunger grew with very deep smell and sound. Entering the kitchen, I see Nina cooking at the stove, and her father chopping up some vegetables.

"Just in time, dinner is almost done. I'm sure you'll like it." Her father smiled, as he poured the sliced vegetables in a bowl. "Shall I help you set the table?" I asked.

"Yes, please. That would very helpful, thank you."


Dinner was absolutely delightful. Nina had made the dish to perfection. I never knew she cooked, or had a single parent, or was never really out 'there' instead in choosing the comfort of home and her father. It was nice to see their bond. I only wish I had my father in times like this.

After dinner, we all cleaned up, and Nina offered we both could work on our assignments. We sat at the dining room table and had our material scattered all over the table. I had a book report to complete, while Nina had to give a 4 page paper debate on the certain learning systems.

Whatever I missed in my absence, Nina was able to teach me. It didn't help that I would get distracted her beauty. She would lean over my shoulder and point to certain points. Her perfume would his my nostrils, her scent being sweet. Her face looked so concentrated, which is trait I find so sexy about her. Smart girls are a keeper. "So do you understand it?"

I stared confusingly at the paper. I wasn't even listening to what she was explaining. "Yeah, but could you go over it once more? Just so I'm certain?" She laid her head down and groaned. She gave me a joking face, before walking out.

"Aw, come on! Please?"

"Yeah, I'll pass. Thank chu."


(Authors Note)

// Okay, so this chapter was much better, right? I added some fluff, and tried to change the emotion. But Tyler is slowly getting better. He won't heal right at this moment, it takes time and patience. Please vote and comment your thoughts! 😇 //

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