Chapter 013: Sympathy

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Nina's POV:

I was laying in my bedroom bed, while I was writing down in notebook about all that was happening. There was to much to keep track of and all write down onto paper. As I was writing, I saw it was relieving more of the deep tension weight kept on my chest and mind.

I had left Tyler in the bathroom, so he could finish washing up, but there was no call. Setting down my pen, I trudged over the guest bedroom, knocking on the wooden door. "Ty? Are you still showering or getting dressed?" There was no answer. "Alright, I'm coming in." There laid Tyler on the bed with a towel wrapped around his waist, displaying his half naked body in the open.

The sight was breath taking, making me blush and be nervous as I finally get to see the view of Tyler's body. He wasn't dressed, nor was he properly dried. He were to catch a cold in his condition.

I opened the closet door, mindful to be quiet and not intentionally awake him right away just yet. I chose out a long sleeved shirt, and some home shorts, along with a fresh clean pair of boxers. I laid them on his desk chair, and gently shook him up.


"Tyler, I came in, letting you know breakfast is ready. And why aren't you dressed? Did you need help?" Sometimes I think I could be more of a mother, than a friend to him. But usually he doesn't mind. In fact he makes fun of me for it.

Tyler only nodded. I grabbed the clothes, and sat them down beside him, but leaving the boxers, handing them to him. "Here, put these on. I'll turn around."

Tyler's POV:

I would be lying if I didn't say I say I felt my world fall, I'm hurt, nor I wasn't able to move. It was only last night I found out my momma is gone. She won't ever be coming back.. It also didn't help, the anger and sadness I felt, angered my inner wolf; wanting to come out. It still surprises me, that only Nina could calm me down. It was only her and I.

Not having the strength to even shower, Nina helped me. She washed my back, chest, lower legs, arms, and my face. It was so relaxing as she would pour the water on my back and gently rub the washcloth. I was left to wash my own self. Finding the courage to get out of the tub, I wrapped the towel around my waist lazily, and trudged to the bed.

I'm so tired and everything hurts.

Nina had came to wake me up, and would help me dry off and dress. I felt incredibly useless and embarrassed as she dried my back and upper body. She turned around allowing me to put on my boxers, then coming to help me put on my shirt and pants. I could see how nervous, shaky, and even a little slow her movements were as she dressed me.

"Thank you." I barely had a voice. She smiled, and bit her lip, looking as if she wanted to ask something. But I think I may have already asked for her. "H-hug?" She immediately hugged me, her arms around my neck, and her face buried below my neck. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."


Nina's father then called me downstairs to meet up in his 'Man Cave' which was in the garage. He said he some important news to tell me, especially concerning my wolf. But he said for tomorrow would be better. He announced he would have to go out on a case, and he'd be back with some dinner.

It was only Nina and I, now. She and I cuddled into one another on the sofa, as we watched some tv and ate some small snacks. My senses were clogged up, my body restless, and my head just swarming with pain. My wolf was indeed asleep, not wanting to awake.

"Ty, can we talk, for a short while?" I lifted myself off her side and nodded as I faced her.

"About what had happened last night, what the heck was that? I never seen something like that. I was terrified to death, I felt as if maybe I was dreaming it all. I'd like to know what's going on. And why nobody wants to tell me..? I won't force you to tell me right now, but I like to believe I have a right to know. I'll be here to support and help you through it all, but please tell me soon, yeah?"

Nina was right. She already witnessed most of all that has been happening. The blue moon would show every night activating some snap of my wolf, even in littlest ways, revealing what I really was. She had a right to know. But not now..


Dinner was bought home late, and I actually had the strength to eat wholeheartedly. Even if my human half didn't seem hungry, my wolf was craving it. I ate the small meats within seconds, the rice was poured down, and my water chugged.

Nina and her father only stared and slowly ate their food, while I gobbled mine within a few minutes.

After dinner, Nina showed me her bedroom. It was simple, yet girly, yet mature. Her walls were decorated in little Chinese fans and Korean pop posters. She had her wall of books, small tv, dresser covered in makeup, beauty products, and perfume -but very organized-.

Getting very sleepy, she allowed me to crawl into the bed with her, us soon drifting to sleep. As I woke up once through I night, I see her buried into my chest, my arm around her waist, and our legs tangled. I held onto her tighter. I don't want her to leave.


(Authors Note)

// How was this? Again, I felt so 'meh' about it; but a chapter had to be updated. This chapter was basically just a sympathetic and helpful one. I'm sorry, if I the way I'm writing it is to not how you expected or for the characters to feel. I want to add some change of emotion rather than it only being sad.

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to werewolf_cailtynn as she continues to show her love and support for this story! Thank you, boo 😚

This is a very long chapter, I know... thank you for reading to the end of this chapter! Please vote and comment! 🥀 //

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