Chapter 025: Eat

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Tyler's POV:

I was grateful for Nina being there with me. She was the one to hold me back with her strength, and convince me not to attack. I needed to be smart about this. If not, it would backfire terribly on my case.

We rushed home immediately, and told all to her father. I told about how I compared certain features, and how I knew his eyes. This wasn't just some random matching. It was the exact match.

Andre happened come by at that time, and he overheard. I didn't mind if he was to know. Andre had been there all along. I feel like he deserves at least know something. Us four then began to write down and draw our plan out. Nina's father and some of his force were to come secretly, but at a specific time. That way we'd catch him action.

I would go in and confront him, making him confess to the horrible crime he had done. Andre was to record this from a station, once getting ahold of detectives who were still studying the case, it going cold earlier. I wished to have Nina stay with Andre, but she persistent to not be. I didn't want to risk her life, but there was no changing her mind.


The next evening;

Tyler's POV:

It was becoming late afternoon, and the message that plan mission was to set out was sent. Everything was slowly being placed in motion. I was so ready.

It's a lot, for Nina's father to not follow protocol procedures as she should, but this is due to my doing. Although I could potentially confiscate his job. But he said not to worry as he would fine a way around it. I was very grateful for his dedication to helping me.

During the drive towards the woods where that man lives, Nina continued to complain about her stomach. It was either she was just nervous, or just a stomach ache. She took some medicine, but it may have not worked. We'd be sure to take her to the hospital soon.

Soon we stopped and pulled up at a distance. Us three, began to run and hide behind some of the cars parked besides the home. I saw Nina's father fix his bullet proof vest, but then get up. "Change of plan. I'm going to go in," Nina and I pleaded him not to. "I will just ask him some questions. If he tries to do anything more, you begin to fire."

Steven knocked on the wooden door, stepping at a slight distance from the door. One hand was propped on his hip, where his gun was located. The other was holding on a small strap of his vest. The door soon opened, and there was the Devil himself standing wearing rag clothing, his cigar resting between his lips. "May I help you, officer?"

"Yes, I have some questions to ask you pertaining to a court trail you were involved in earlier. May I come in?" I could see he was hesitant. This guys better not lay a hand on Nina's father. Hell was to break if he did.


There was a button that would be sent out to other police officers to come, along with the recording device that would contact detectives telling of what was being spoken. I pressed both. Help was to be sent soon. He would be arrested and stow away his life in guilt. I would make him feel the pain.

It was a short while. Nina's stomach was still hurting, so I helped her in trying to relax and take deep breaths. It could be stress. But all it took was two large gun shots, that caused her stand and run straight to the house. I immediate ran after, calling out to her.

Barging through the door, Steven laid on the floor, blood soaking his pants and some glass around his head. He was still conscious but in utter pain. "Oh, well, I see you brought friend. I told you I know what kind of games you police play!"

Nina's POV:

I couldn't hold it any longer. I immediately yelled out and pounced on the guy. I tried throwing punches, but was able to throw his head again and again on the floor. I didn't care anymore. I wanted him dead!

I was oblivious to the calls and my surroundings as I heard Tyler yelp. There was man who I injected something into Tyler, revealing the needle. The same happened to me, my body growing heavy and tired.


My side was hurting so, and I could obtain the small hearing of police sirens. About time! I attempted to get up, but I saw I was tied to a wooden chair, it's splinters jabbing me lightly in the back. Tyler was not far, chained up. His arms were tied fruitlessly above his head, his chest bare, along with his feet. His right side of his face was black and blue.

What have they done to us..? Calling out to him, he did not budge. It took all my willpower of omega and human yell which caused him to jolt awake. He smiled once seeing me only frowning once seeing the situation we were in. Before Tyler could say anything, the door had opened. A large, buff man entered "Well aren't the dogs up?" He sarcastically sneered.

The man came closer to me, but Tyler screamed, causing him to get punched by another who entreated the room as well. A dagger knife was revealed from the mans coat, and my eyes dilated large, and only focused on the knife movements. He caresses the tip of the dagger along my fave, cashing me to yelp.

Tyler's whimpers and sobs could be heard in the room. I assumed he was crying out in pain, but it was only because he was transforming.


Tyler's wolf form exploded, his chain breaking. A wolf can turn at any occasion, but becomes rouge at furious emotions. Tyler swiftly attacked one of the men, while the other was still playing with his knife. "Come closer and I will kill her." I shut my eyes so tight, afraid what was to happen. All I heard was a scream and the splatter of something wet hit me.

Opening my eyes slowly, the two men were slaughtered, their bodies in half, their blood decorating the walls and floor. Tyler stood in his wolf form, the blood pooling from his mouth, dampening his fur coat. Tyler ripped my ties, and looked up with those blue eyes. "Good boy."

Exiting out the room, many more men with weapons stood outside. There was no words, only the direct pouncing of Tyler and some men. As some tired coming to me, I began punching and kicking. I myself turned into a wolf; giving me more of an advantage to fight off more of the men.

20-40 men later, Tyler and I stood covered in blood and dirt. But we weren't done. That man who killed Tyler's mother stood in the middle. He was out numbered; him not being able to move correctly. My dad who was able to regain consciousness, realized the situation. The only order given to us was, "eat."


(Authors Note)

// Yes, I know super duper long chapter! I hope I didn't bore you!  I apologize if this chapter in not everything like you expected. One more chapter, and the book is completed! Please vote and comment! 👏🏼💛 //

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