Chapter 021: Stages

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Nina's POV:

I'm full of glee. Tyler had asked me be to his his! I sometimes fantasized about being asked, but always told myself not to get ahead of myself. I'm grateful he chose me. We both promised to enjoy whatever time we were given together; not knowing what may happen in the near future. We both promised to always show honesty and happiness with each other. We promised to help each other when needed.

We promised we would not look at anyone besides our own partner. As his girlfriend, I promised myself I'd be the best I could be. As my boyfriend, he promised the same. He promised to protect me, love me, and claimed he'd be responsible for any tears if their would be any. He'd make sure never to see me cry nor be the cause.

Is this what it's like dating?


At home, we told my dad. He was proud and being the over protective father he is, did the usual father warning. It was also he explained more in depth of my role in werewolf terms. It was a lot to take in, but I believed every word.

At school, we announced our relationship to our good friends. They were happy for us, and as friends they gave the 'warnings.' Lucy, was threatening Tyler, along with Andre that they'd kill him if he were to do anything. It was the same for me from his friends. I'm happy that our friends are supportive.

We shared our relationship under wraps, not wanting to be that one couple showing off in public. Tyler and I are not like that. We don't crave attention like that.


Since Tyler is now living with us, he treated as my home his new home. He was welcomed to. My dad was scheduled to work early in the morning, so when I woke up, he wasn't here. It being the weekend, I laid in bed a while longer, until there was a knock at my door. Tyler had entered and smiled as he entered.

"You look funny." He chuckled. I immediately covered my face and began smoothing my hair as it was sticking all over the place. Most of the times I have no shame in my messy being in the morning, but now as I have a boyfriend, it's a little embarrassing. "May I lay down with you?" I nod, and let him climb into the bed with me.

As this is so new to us, we're trying to adjust. "What shall we do today?" Tyler seemed in thought until he suggested we go out to the store and get some snacks. We then come back and watch a movie, play some games, and cuddle all day. Perfect. We went to get ready, then got into the car having a karaoke session to the store.


Tyler was hesitant as we got to the store. It seemed this was possibly the same store, where the shooting was. I encouraged him slowly and calmly holding his hand soothingly and rubbing his back. With deep breaths we entered; me praising him for his good work.

We went up the isles, observing everything and deciding what we should get. From small snacks, we brought groceries for the house as we were running low on certain foods. When entering the baking isle, I suggested to get some baking mixes, as we could bake today too.

Tyler wanted to choose, so I allowed; I stood at the end of the isle texting Lucy who messaged. From the corner of my eye, I see Tyler sniff at the air. I looked around to see if anybody was around, and even stiffed the air myself. Tyler bent down with the baking mix, and stuck his arm underneath the shelf.

I was curious as to what he was doing, so I pushed the cart in the isle, stopping where he was at. "What is it?" He pulled his arm back, and in the palm of his hand there was a bullet. My eyes popped, and my eyes went back and forth between Tyler and the bullet. "This is the same bullet, that killed my mom..."

Tyler's face scrunched from disgust and placed the bullet into his jacket pocket, sure to see it wouldn't fall out. "I'm okay, don't worry too much, Nina." He pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back. "We got pretty much everything. Shall we go home now?"


The drive back home was quiet, but Tyler managed to brighten my mood a bit. Although she wasn't my mom, I'm sure to say this affected me as well. Not just Tyler. Tyler held my hand, and would kiss it, as the other was kept on the steering wheel. I blushed at the action and captured the moment when coming to a red light. I was sure to save it, and send it to his phone. I think I could ourselves goals.

Getting home, and unloading the groceries, I made something small. It was broccoli, with Korean beef and white rice. Tyler was excited to eat it; him constantly bothering about it and the scent smelling wonderful to his nose. He was like a puppy whining and pattering all around the house.

I made sure to capture all of the cute moments as this is my first. My first everything. Although it was our first week dating, I spent so much time with him in the prior years, slowly building on knowing him. It was only this past month or so, I got to know even much more, and becoming official.


Time skip: 2-3 months later

Tyler's POV:

It's already so hard to believe that already 3 months had passed by. It felt like only a few days. My relationship with Nina grew strong. Final EOC Exams were to be coming in the next few weeks as us seniors would finish 2 weeks earlier than all the other grades. More projects and studying was assigned, it being quite hectic.

But there was some slight problems such as, school for one. It was her being my mate, she had this aura and scent that was a sexual appeal to many of the people in school.

There would be times where I had to come into play, and tell these guys and girls to back off me and her. I admit, this made Nina hotter than ever; especially how good she smelled. But she was only mine. I only had the authority to hold and mark her with my scent.

There would also be times where she was upset there was no mark appearing on her skin yet. The mark was to show once we claimed to be mates, but it hasn't shown. I told her to wait it out a while longer, and to not worry. I would reassure her that she was made to be mine, and there's no one else that could steal her place.


It was also during these few months, Andre, Steven, Nina, and I were all doing side study and investigation on the grocery store terrorist attack. I eventually had to go back to my home where I packed up most of everything, and covered the furniture. I took my belongings back to Nina's house, but packed my moms belongings carefully and neatly.

I would never put this house on the market, nor was I do any changes. This is the house I grew up in and where my momma and I made so many memories as I grew up. I promised to come back and even maybe move back in. But for the time being, its best I let the house rest itself.

I visited my momma, filling her in on everything, and did a proper introduction to Nina, although she'd never get be here for all the cool and new things we all been doing.

It's a stage process we're going through. And I'm thankful for all those by my side.


(Authors Note)

// I'm sorry for the long chapter! I hope I didn't bore you nor lose you anywhere. If this time duration skip didn't mesh well, then I apologize. I thought if I were to add more things it would seem to rush. So I added more details and time skip to make it flow. Please vote and comment your thoughts! 👻💚 //

Under The Blue Moonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें