Chapter 016: Drunk

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This is the mood board relating to this chapter!

Nina's POV:

The funeral had ended much sooner, everybody who came returning to their cars. My dad and I thanked everybody on Tyler's behalf for coming to this occasions and for their support.

Wrapping up at the church, and packing away the little leftovers of food, my dad and I were headed back home. I could still see Tyler sob, and breakdown during the final greeting, then to rush out the church running farther and farther. I suggested we'd go after him, was told to leave him alone for the time being.

As I looked out the window, and focused on the rain droplets hitting the window, I hoped that wherever Tyler was that he was alright and safe. Edged in my mind, I wished for him not to transform into that figure from the previous time. Whose to say worse things could come from this..?

Tyler's POV:

The rain kept coming harder and more by the minute. I had stopped running a while ago, soaked, and shivering from the cold. My skin felt clammy and I tried to create little body heat with my suit -although it was wet to the core-.

My mind was all over the place, and I just wanted to sit somewhere to be warm, and at least have something to drink. It's been hours since I ran. I didn't even know where I was. But for sure, I was probably in some other town due to to where not being a whole lot in the main-square.

I stumbled across to a building, seeing people wearing party clothing and entering the club. Thinking I could go in there for a short while, I stopped myself before continuing to walk. I have no form of ID on me, especially a club ID. I never had a reason to come here, to I never thought to get one. But at this moment I could give a shit to what was going to happen.


I entered the club, managing to sneak in with a group of people, squeezing through without having to be looked at. The foul odor of smoke and liquor hit my nose, making me flinch. The bass music was loud and thumping all throughout the club. There were laser lights pointing in different directions showing on the skins of the people dancing, and grinding against each other.

People were making out, almost basically about to have sex on the sofa's, walls, even the floors. I made it to the bar, and sat down on the stool. "What can I get for you, Sir?" The bartender asked. I asked for the strongest liquor and downed already my fifth shot. By now my actions had no control.

A girl wearing a red tight slim dress walked by, with her small purse clutch and went to put a cigarette to her lips, when I called out to her. Everything was wobbly as I asked, I my back accidentally crashed to her back. "You smell so good." She tilted her head back and I remember sniffing then lapping at her neck.

Her blood smelled so sweet. But before I could bite, she guided me towards love seat where she pushed me. I only then see her climb into my lap, and inside my body black outs.

Nina's POV:

Already the day has gone by, it being almost close to midnight. I had called and left messages earlier but there was so answer or reply. Either his phone is off or dead. I hoped that he was alright and nothing bad happened to him.

"You know what? Come with me. I'm tired of waiting for him to come home, we'll just find him on our own." Andre speaks seeming irritated. I looked over to my dad, and he nods, giving me the permission. He was to stay here, in case Tyler were to return before we did.

Entering the car, and starting it up, I ask where would look. Andre didn't know, but suggested that we'd have to search all night. It will be worth it. I'd rather have Tyler safe at home than care about how exhausted or tired I was.

He's more important.


The night dragged on. We searched all over our home town, now is scooping the next town. We looked and entered every building, alley, shelters asking if they had seen Tyler. Down one of the streets we were driving, many people were scattered around a club parking lot.

Andre parked into a space, and told me to come with him. "I have a feeling he is in here. Please excuse me for this, but it could get us both in." Before I knew it, I was dragged to the entrance, the bouncer looking quite mean and aggressive as he eyed us both. Andre held his arm around my waist, resting it on my lower left butt cheek.

"Identification please." Andre pulled out a white card, and the bouncer examined it to make sure it wasn't fake. As we were about to continuing walking, we were held back. "We need her identification as well." Andre scoffed and looked towards the bouncer on his and my side. "Do you not know who I am? My mother is the owner of this club! She allows me to come here. I would hate for me to address how rude and defying you two are!"

Many people were staring, and the bouncers looked quite cautious and nervous. "Yes, sir, we apologized . You may enter. Please enjoy your night." Andre nodded but asked them to give me an apology. I tried to protest, but was cut off. "Baby, I don't want you being spoken this way. Let them apologize." Andre squeezed my butt, making sure they were watching.

After the apology we finally entered. The smell was horrid and I had to cover my mouth. "I'm sorry about that up front. It was the only convincing way." I nod, and I immediately begin looking for Tyler. Andre respects me and my relationship; he don't dare try to interfere. We also made it clear about how we both see each other.

Looking through the club, I stood by Andre's side the entire time. I am underage, we pretty much both are, and I don't trust a single soul in this place. Arriving at the restrooms, Andre told me to stay right outside, while he looks inside for Tyler. I stood anxiously and rolled on the heels of my foot. I was to not make eye contact nor stand bold for my body to pose out.


While I was still waiting, I looked around and I see Tyler. He's on a small sofa, and a girl is on top of him..

Oh hell no.


(Authors Note)

// Another girl on Tyler? Oh hell is about to raise! Please vote and comment your thoughts! //

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