05: Bored? To the Park

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"Annie!" I heard a scream from my back. I swirled around and it's Jayden, she's not alone. She's with Johnny, Connor, and Kenzie. "Please."

I went near them as they ran towards me. Kenzie hugged me immediately, a tight one. "Please, just hear Asher out..."

"I'm sorry Kenzie." My eyes start getting watery. My senses are blurred, I don't want to cry. Not now.

"Hear him, please." Kenzie pulled the hug but she's still holding my arms, "Or at least stay?"

"She can't, Kenzie." Johnny sighed, Johnny went beside Kenzie and faced me, his eyes are filled with emotion. Like he's trying to stop his tears coming down from his eyes. I give him a soft smile.

"We'll miss you, Annie." Jayden hugged me and I hugged back. "Please come back sometime."

"I will," I answered Jayden with a soft and weak smile. "I'll continue my career in Maryland."

"We will promise you to go there." Connor gives me a sad smile.

"You all will?" I chirped, Kenzie and Jayden raised their right hands. "We will!"

"Aw!" I whimpered, "I love you guys."

"We love you too. And we're so so lucky to meet you. You're amazing." Kenzie announced. My heart skipped a beat, that's amazing.

"Gosh, I don't know or what I did to come this far. I managed to become close with these people I am a big fan of." I squealed, Johnny reached for my head and he messed with it. I glared at him. "That's rude."

He let out a soft chuckle, "Sure."

"I better go." I glanced at my watch, "I'll leave in a few minutes."

We exchanged hugs. "We'll miss you." Kenzie smiled.

"Bye munchkin." Jayden, the last one who I hugged with. "I love you forever."

"I love you endlessly." I waved at her and turned around.

The next thing I know is I'm already sitting here on the plane. I exhaled and looked at the window, this is also the seat when I went to Los Angeles. My eyes start getting blurry. I start sniffing, but I'm preventing not to cry. This will not end easily.

Why does fate have to be so complicated? I'm just a fan, but why did Fate give me hope?


"What happened?" Jayden asked. We're currently walking towards the Hotel. I met her when I went back to the bookstore, she just got there. "You're frowning."

"I don't even know." I groaned out loud, "There's this weird, rude guy who I accidentally bumped with, and he did not even reach for a hand to help me up. Seriously?"

She chuckled, I gazed at her and my eyebrows furrowed, I pouted. "What?"

"Dude, not all here in Los Angeles are nice people all right?" Jayden announced. "In fact, there are people who're rude because they live where most of the celebrities live."

"I'm glad you're not one of them." I gave her a small and sincere smile.

"I'm glad too." She replied with a smile across her lips. "I just start living here when I was ten years old."

"Yeah." I nodded while looking at the ground, "You told me that."

"Hey." She quickly gazed at me, "Did you know that I saw Asher, like as in now? Before we meet each other."

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