01: Asher, I'm Coming!

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I tried opening my eyes, but I can't open it properly. The light from my window starts shining so brightly. I closed my eyes and glanced on my right side looking for my square alarm clock. It was 8:32 am. I sat on my bed. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and shook my head. I sniffed, dang, I can't even breathe properly. This is just unbelievable.

For over six months, a lot of stuff happened, and I start regretting going here in Los Angeles. I hope I had a better life. I hope I didn't meet Asher from this stupid Jolene movie, and I hope I didn't come beside my stupid mother who asked me to watch this stupid movie with her.

This is just unbelievable.

I stood up and went to the balcony to get my towel. My eyes still can't open properly. The sun is too bright. When will the sun stop shining? God, it's so annoying.

Why do I always complain about everything?

I closed the door and went straight to the bathroom. I wiggle and close the door. I looked right, I saw myself on the mirror, reflecting myself on the mirror. My eyes are puffy, my face obviously looked tired. I just can't believe this is happening.

"He doesn't love you. You're just an obsessed fan."

He doesn't love you.

He doesn't love you

My eyes start getting blurry. These words keep on replaying inside my head. I don't get it, what did I do to deserve this?

A tear falls down on my cheeks, I immediately wiped away while staring at myself on the mirror.

Don't you get tired of crying?

"Asher?" I looked at him, confirming if it's all true. My tears can't help but pour out. He looked at me with these emotional eyes, I can't see anything. I can't see if he still cares about me. "Is this all true?"

"Don't make him say yes." She interrupted.

"Shut the hell up, I'm not talking to you!" I hissed at her and return my gaze at him.

"I don't understand, I gave everything." I sniffed, my tears can't quit falling from my eyes. "You promised."

"Promises are meant to be broken."

My eyes widen, my heart skipped a beat, the world stopped, the atmosphere was filled with silence and I could feel it's slowly breaking. I start shivering and looked at the ground. I can't believe, the person I've loved practically my whole just said in front of me. How could he...

"See? You idiot." She smirked, "He's mine."

I can't believe this memory keeps on flashing back. I don't know what's going on. Do I really deserve this?

My phone rang from outside. I went out of the bathroom and took it and gazed on my screen. I picked it up and placed it on my ear. "You have to leave in an hour."

Six months ago...

June 17, 2018

Ten days before the Tour

"Okay, everything's ready," I announced while glancing at my phone, lying on my bed.

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