Chapter 19

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Skylar's p.o.v

I have been waiting forever for this day to come. Today was graduation. In just 2 months Calum and I will be away at university together. A lot has happened this month. After prom Ashton, Luke and Michael and I actually started getting along. We actually became friends. Since Ashton was being nice to me Harlow started being nice to me. So now my friend group consist of Ashton, Michael, Luke, Harlow, Brooklyn, Chloe, Calum and I. It was 5:00 and we had to be at the school by 6:30. I was in my room almost finished with curling my hair and doing my makeup. My dad and Brooklyn then walked in.

Dad: Your grandparents and Autumn will be here soon.

My grandparents on both sides of my family were coming to watch Brooklyn and I graduate. Autumn was done with university so she was back home for now.

Brooklyn: What time will they be here?

Dad: 6:00.

I went into my bathroom to change into my dress. When I came back out they were still in my room.

Dad: Wow you guys look great. I'm so proud of you guys. I know your mom would be proud of you too.

Brooklyn and I started tearing up when our mom was brought up. Our dad pulled us in for a hug.

Dad: The pizza should be here in 10 minutes.

We walked downstairs when the pizza delivery driver was here. We all then ate quickly. I checked my phone and saw that Calum was texting me.

Calum: Meet me at our lockers when you get to school.

Skylar: Ok see you soon

When it was 6:15 we all got into our cars and drove to the school. Once we were inside the school my family went to the gym with everyone else. All the students have to meet in the cafeteria so that's where Harlow and Brooklyn went. I went to my locker to meet up with Calum.

Calum: Hey babe.

Skylar: Hey.

Calum: Are you excited to graduate?

Skylar: Yeah. What about you?

Calum: I'm excited to move with you to Manhattan.

Skylar: So hows it going with your family?

Calum's parents both now had new family's. His mom is still with the girl she cheated on her husband with. He has 2 step siblings from that. His dad then got engaged to the woman he introduced Calum to at the restaurant. The woman he is engaged to has 2 kids of her own. 

Calum: Well my mom is here by herself. My dad, soon to be step mom and step siblings are also here.

Skylar: Oh you mean Beth, Blake and Blaire?

Calum: Yeah.

Speaker: Students please make your way to the cafeteria as the ceremony will be starting shortly.

I grabbed Calum's hand and we walked down to the cafeteria. Once we got there one of the teachers were getting us all in line by alphabetical order. Our last name was Wright. I was actually going to be the last person to walk on stage. Brooklyn was before me. 

Teacher: It's time.

We walked from the cafeteria to the gym. We then went to our seats.


It was time for us to get our diplomas. I was watching as all of my friends went to get theirs.

Principal: Harlow Anderson, Michael Clifford, Chloe Hayes, Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood, Ashton Irwin, Brooklyn Wright.

After a long time of watching everyone it was finally was my turn.

Principal: Skylar Wright.

I stood up and made my way to the stage. I could hear my family and friends cheering for me. When I got on stage I shook a few peoples hands and got my diploma. My dad then took a few pictures before I got off stage.


After the graduation ceremony ended I found Chloe and Calum. We took a few pictures with us and our diplomas. We all then went to back my house to celebrate.

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