Chapter 7

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Skylar's p.o.v

Today was Halloween. That meant Chloe's party was tonight. Right now it was 6:00. I was at the diner. I get off in an hour though.

Josh: Hey Skylar!

Skylar: Hi!

Josh: Are you going to Chloe's party tonight?

Skylar: I am. Are you?

Josh: Yeah. I was wondering if it's not too much trouble if you could drive me there? I have a ride back but they are going before I get off work?

Skylar: I get off at 7 so I will go home get ready and come back here to pick you up at 8.

Josh: Thanks your the best!

Jillian: So what are you doing once you get off work?

Skylar: I'm actually going to a party.

Jillian: Am I hearing you right? Skyler Wright is going to a party?

Skylar: Yep! Chloe is hosting it and asked me to come. I'm not friends with anyone else that is going though so I don't know how fun the party is going to be.

Jillian: Find yourself a cute boy! Isn't Josh also going to the party?

Skylar: Yeah I'm taking him there. Also I don't like Josh like that. We don't even talk outside of work.

Jillian: Oh ok.

The door to the restaurant opened and I was shocked to see who it was. It was Calum, Ashton, Michael and Luke. I quickly ducked behind the counter. I really don't want to deal with any of them tonight. Jillian walked over to me with a smirk on her face.

Jillian: Which one of them do you like?

Skylar: Neither of them. They are all jerks.

Jillian: Well those jerks are also customers so go take their orders.

Skylar: Ugh fine.

I stood back up and grabbed 4 menus from the counter. I faked a smile and made my way to their booth.

Skylar: Welcome to Daniel's Diner! I am Skylar and I will be your waitress for tonight. Could I start you off with some drinks?

Luke: We already know who you are dimwit!

Ashton: You've got to be fucking kidding me. You have a job?

Michael: This is hilarious! Calum your little friend is serving us!

While I was refraining from rolling my eyes Calum finally spoke.

Calum: We are just neighbors. 

Skylar: So drinks?

Luke: I'll take a diet pepsi.

Michael: Rootbeer.

Ashton: I'll have a water. Oh I also want a big wedge of lemon with it.

Calum: Pepsi please.

Skylar: Great I will be right back.

I went to get their drinks and Ashton's lemon wedge. I was debating taking the whole lemon and throwing it at his head. When I came back I set the drinks down and grabbed my notepad.

Skylar: Are you ready to order?

Luke: No shit. Also this drink is not diet pepsi!

Calum: Luke it's not a big deal. I have your diet and you have my regular pepsi.

They switched drinks and then got back to ordering.

Calum: Spaghetti and meatballs please.

Michael: I'll have the club sandwich.

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