Chapter 5

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Skylar's p.o.v

Today was Student Council Elections. It was a hectic morning. The power went out in the middle of the night so none of our alarm clocks went off. Harlow was going off on everybody since she was nervous about her speech. It was weird seeing her like this.

Lyla: Harlow you are going to be fine!

Harlow: My speech needs to be perfect. I need to win this!

Brooklyn: You will probably win. The guy going up against you has no clue what he's doing.

Harlow: Your right! 

Harlow walked out of the room to her car so she could go pick up her friends for school.

Skylar: You know you don't have to lie to her to make her feel better.

Brooklyn: What do you mean?

Skylar: She has no idea what she is doing or the responsibilities she will have if she won.

Brooklyn: It's not like you could do any better. Harlow has the popularity. You are live invisible or something. If you ran against her no one would vote for you because they either don't like you or have no idea who you are.

Skylar: It's this family that makes me feel invisible. No one ever cares about what I want or they always exclude me from everything. You are my twin for fuck sake. We are supposed to be nice to each other and you can't even do that!

Brooklyn: Ugh whatever.

I walked past Brooklyn to my car and got inside. Once I got to school I found Chloe and we went to class. Since we had elections today we have to spend first period in the auditorium listening to all of the speeches. 

Chloe: Well listening to all those speeches were boring.

Skylar: Yep. Who are you voting for president?

Chloe: The guy who went up against Harlow. You?

Skylar: Same. I'm voting for him not because I hate Harlow but because I think he actually would do a better job.

Chloe: Well let's go vote. We went back to English and were handed sheets of paper. It had all the different positions on student council and all the people who were running for them. We voted and then someone came to get them so they could tally them up. The bell rung which meant it was second period. I made my way to the classroom and took a seat. Since we are actually cooking in this class the way that the classroom is set up is different. We have a door that connects the next classroom to this one. In that room is all the cooking stations. Each station fits 2 people. I didn't have a partner before but now since Calum is here he is unfortunately mine. We weren't cooking today so I didn't have to sit beside him. 

Mr.Robinson: Hello class. So today we will be going over your next assignment. 

Mr.Robinson went around the classroom handing packages of paper to everyone.

Mr.Robinson: So the assignment is for you to cook a meal for your family at home. The requirements are on the second page. I am giving you 2 weeks to do the assignment. You can spend this class planning for that.

I grabbed my notebook from my backpack and started planning out what I was doing. I had no idea when I was going to be cooking for them. I usually work nights and someone always has somewhere else to be. For the rest of the class I came up with that I was going to make. When the bell rang I found Chloe. We walked into the cafeteria and bought our lunch. We sat down at our table and talked about our day.

Chloe: So what are you doing tonight?

Skylar: I work 3-9. What about you?

Chloe: Aside from going home and sleeping not much.

Harlow: Hi Chloe!

Chloe: What do you want Harlow?

Harlow: Oh nothing. I just wanted to tell you cheer leading practice was moved to tonight. I didn't want you to miss out on practice.

Chloe: Well I might be there I might not. It depends on my mood.

Harlow: Chloe you need to show up to practice. We have to football games we need to cheer for!

Chloe: Well when we get a better captain I will show up more often.

Harlow: I am a great captain!

Chloe: You are bossy, only care about yourself and are an overall bitch so yeah keep telling yourself that!

Harlow: You think you could do any better?

Chloe: I don't even want to cheer anymore Harlow.

Harlow: Of course. You know Chloe you have always been the type of person to just drop out of what they are doing!

Chloe: I'm gonna prove you wrong.

Harlow: Oh yeah How are you going to do that?

Chloe: Skylar and I will see you at auditions on Thursday.

Harlow: That's hilarious! I have been lead every year so good luck! Skylar you can't even act!

Skylar: Oh i'm not auditioning. I'm just there to watch Chloe get the lead.

Harlow: You should be supporting your family over your friends Skylar?

Skylar: What does this have to do with family? I'm not even treated like family at home so what's the point?

Minutes later Harlow's friends showed up to take her away from our table. Chloe turned around and was looking at me confused.

Chloe: What do you mean by no one at home treats you like family?

Skylar: It's not a big deal. Just forget I said anything.

Chloe: Oh ok.

After lunch we went to Math. We were told they would have the election results in a few minutes. When the time came they started reading off the names.

Speaker: Last but not least your student council president is Harlow Anderson!

I guess even though I hate her I was happy for her. Maybe now that she got what she wanted she would be a little nice. Nah who am I kidding? After they announced who won they had more to say.

Mrs.Clarke: Hello everyone. For the people who don't know me I am Mrs.Clarke. I teach drama and run the school plays. This year I would like to announce that East Hills will be performing The Little Mermaid!

Chloe: Well looks like i'm auditioning for Ariel! Skylar you should join!

Skylar: I can't. I'm to busy with my job, keeping my grades up and performing in front of a lot of people is not my thing.

Chloe: Oh well at least I tried.


I walked into the diner and clocked in for my shift and immediately got to work. I worked behind the counter first serving customers. Jillian was out tonight so it was Just Daniel and Kyle in the back and then this other girl and I were out front. Her name is Riley. She's not the best worker. Dinner is usually not that busy for us. The majority of our food is the type of food you would eat at breakfast or lunch and we aren't one of the busiest restaurants in town. Once it was 9:00. We were finally closed and I went home.

Invisible (Calum Hood)Where stories live. Discover now