Chapter 11

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Skylar's p.o.v

I woke up and checked my phone it was 9:00. Today was Christmas. The first thing I did was text Calum. I wasn't going to be able to see him at all today and Christmas might be awkward for him this year since his parents are getting a divorce. I heard some movement coming from downstairs so I woke Autumn up. Once she was awake we went downstairs. Christmas this year will be very complicated. It is our first Christmas with Lyla and Harlow being in the family. Christmas 2 years ago was just overall depressing. It was our first Christmas without our mom. She only died a month earlier. Last year at Christmas Lyla and my dad were only dating so we did not spend Christmas together. Every year before my mom died we would spend Christmas morning with just my dad, mom, Autumn, Brooklyn, Owen and I. My mom would make lunch and my dad's family would come over. All of us then go over to my mom's parents house for supper. 

Since Lyla and Harlow are in the picture now that means we have to include Lyla's parents. Harlow's dad hasn't made much of an effort to be in her life so we don't have to worry about him. For breakfast we all had cereal. Once we finished eating we went to the living room where our Christmas tree was. We opened our stockings and took a family picture like we do every year. We then moved on to presents. My dad decided that he was going to tell Owen after this year that Santa isn't real. For now that meant we get one extra present. This year I actually was able to buy people presents with my own money. I just hope everyone is happy with what I got them.

When we finished opening presents it was around 11:00. My grandma, grandpa and aunt on my dad's side are going to be here in an hour. Lyla and I got up and went to the kitchen. Somehow cooking is the only thing that brings Lyla and I together. Any other time we are arguing. I think it is just because cooking is something we have in common. 

Lyla: Can you start with the veggie platter?

Skylar: Sure.

Our Christmas lunch consist of 4 things. A cheese and cracker platter, vegetable platter, shrimp ring and pumpernickel bread with spinach dip. We have been doing the same thing for years. I grabbed one of our glass platters from the cupboard and set it on the counter. I began washing all of the vegetables and cutting them putting them on the platter. When I finished Lyla just finished cutting the bread. All we had left now was the cheese, crackers and the shrimp ring. While we did that the others set the table.

Half an hour later we heard our doorbell ring. We all walked to the door to let our family in. After a lot of hugging and our grandparents saying how bigger we have got we went to the dining room to have lunch. After lunch was over we all went to the living room. They had presents for us and we has presents for them as well. Once they were all opened it was 2:00. We were now just waiting for Lyla's family to get here before we drive an hour to my grandparent's house. Good thing their house is big because at dinner there will be 14 of us all together. We decided who was driving and how many cars we were taking. We are able to fit everyone in 3 cars and I was driving my car. Unfortunately I am stuck in the car with Brooklyn and Harlow. At least Autumn is with me.

Once they got here we all got into our cars and started driving to our grandparents house. I had my phone plugged into the car playing All Time Low. 

Harlow: Can you play something that is actually good?

Skylar: No. If it's a problem you can go with someone else.

Harlow: At least I brought my headphones.

While Autumn and I sang the whole car ride Brooklyn and Harlow were in the back annoyed and listening to their own music. We got to their house and pulled into the driveway. We got their gifts from the trunk and walked to the door. Once they greeted us and let us inside we went to the living room to put the presents under the tree. I looked around the room to see if anything has changed. They still had a whole bunch of pictures on the walls. I saw one of my mom when she was my age. I look exactly like her. Well I guess Brooklyn too since we are identical twins. 


It was now 9:00 and we were just leaving my grandparents house. We haven't seen them in a while so it was good to see them. I had my phone plugged into my car again so we could listen to music. I then started getting text from Calum. The notification popped up on the car screen so everyone knew who was texting me.

Harlow: Why would Calum be texting you?

Skylar: I don't know Harlow he is my boyfriend after all.

Harlow: Wait what?

Skylar: Yeah. It's almost been 2 months.

Harlow: Why would he date you?

Skylar: I could ask you the same thing about Ashton.

Harlow: That's different. I am popular and liked. You arn't.

Skylar: I'd be careful about what you say next cause I will kick you out of this car.

Harlow: Ugh such a bitch.

I pulled over on the side of the road and kicked Harlow out of the car. I had enough of her and we were only 20 minutes into the car ride. A few minutes later I got a phone call from my dad. He was the car behind us and picked Harlow up when I kicked her out. I explained to him what happened but he didn't care. Not like he was going to take my side anyway. He never does. When we got home I was screamed at. I ignored them all and went to my room slamming the door shut.

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