Chapter 6

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Skylar's p.o.v

Today was October 1st. That means that today my school is holding auditions for The Little Mermaid. I also have to do my assignment for my cooking class. I was making fettuccine alfredo with chicken, salad, garlic bread and angel food cake for my assignment. My dad decided to invite Calum's family over again so now I have to make enough food for 9 people. I got into my car and drove to school. Once I got there I went to my locker to get my stuff for English.

Calum: Hey.

Skylar: Hi.

Calum: Did you do your assignment for our cooking class yet?

Skylar: No. I'm doing it tonight. Did you do yours yet?

Calum: Yeah. Let's just say I am not going to get a good grade.

Skylar: Why not?

Calum: I kind of almost set my kitchen on fire.

We both laughed and then walked to English together. This was weird. Calum Hood and I were having a normal conversation and he wasn't insulting me. I hope this just isn't because his friends aren't around.


It was now lunch time. Chloe and I met up outside of the auditorium. Chloe was really nervous.

Skylar: Chloe you are going to be fine!

Chloe: This is my first time auditioning for anything. What if I forget the lyrics? Or even worse. What if Harlow does better than me?!

Skylar: You can't think like that. You are going to do great. You know Part Of Your World off by heart so you won't forget it.

Chloe: Ok. Thanks for the pep talk.

We walked in together. I took a seat in the back since I was just there for support. 

Mrs.Clarke: Ok next!

Harlow: My name is Harlow Anderson and I will be auditioning for Ariel!

Harlow went over her lines with the teacher. This was going to be tough. Chloe is doing this because she thinks it would look good on her college applications but mostly because she wants to take the part from Harlow. Harlow has been the lead since freshman year. After Harlow's whole audition was done it was Chloe's turn. She did great. Just like I knew she would.

Mrs.Clarke: Ok thank you everyone for auditioning! I will be posting the cast list on the school's website tonight at 8:30. We walked out of the auditorium but then Harlow stopped me.

Harlow: Skylar my boyfriend is coming over for supper tonight. Just wanted to let you know so we have enough food.

Skylar: Ok who is your boyfriend?

Harlow: You'll see.

Skylar: Um ok then.


It was 4:30 so I was in the kitchen getting everything ready for tonight. I didn't need to start cooking yet so I set the table. Now that Harlow invited her boyfriend over I had to cook for 10 people. Once the table was set I started making my angel food cake. Lyla walked into the kitchen and just stared while I was cooking.

Skylar: Need something?

Lyla: No. I'm just so used to cooking each night so I feel like I need to be in here helping.

Skylar: Thanks but that is against the whole point of my assignment.

The doorbell rang which meant the Hoods were here. That luckily got Lyla out of the kitchen. While my family talked with them in the living room I continued cooking. An hour later I was almost finished.

Harlow: Omg he's here!

I put the food out on the table and went out to the living room so Harlow could introduce her boyfriend to us.

Skylar: Are you fucking kidding me?

Harlow's boyfriend just happened to be Ashton Irwin. Could my life get any worse? I have to see him at school and now he is in my house. 

Ashton: Um Harlow why is Skylar and Calum here?

Harlow: Babe remember I told you she is my step sister. Also Calum and his family are our neighbors. 

Ashton: Oh right.

Skylar: Well I just have to take pictures of the meal for my assignment and then we can eat.

I took the pictures I needed and then we all sat around the table. 

Ethan: How was school today.

Harlow: Well my audition went great! I think I am going to get the part!

Lyla: That's great!

Ethan: So Ashton I heard that you play football.

Ashton: I'm actually the quarterback.

Ethan: Nice! Calum did you ever join the team?

Calum: I start next week.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I checked to see who it was and it was Chloe

Chloe: Hey. I'm having a few friends over for a sleepover tonight. Do you want to come?

Skylar: Sure. I'm gonna have to ask my dad first but what time?

Chloe: Be here by 8:00. That way we can all be here when the casting list goes up tonight!

Skylar: Dad Chloe just invited me over to her house tonight. Can I go?

Ethan: Don't you work tomorrow?

Skylar: I work during dinner.

Ethan: Ok.

Skylar: He said yes.

Chloe: Ok see you soon.

It was now 8:00 and I just got to Chloe's house. I knocked on the door and her mom answered. She said Chloe upstairs with everyone else. I walked up the big staircase to Chloe's bedroom. When I opened the door to her room I saw a group of 5 other girls. Since Chloe is my only friend i sometimes forget that people usually have other friends. They were all girls on the cheer leading team. Harlow's friends Tiffany and Alissa were also here. I thought Chloe didn't like them but maybe she only hates Harlow.

Chloe: Hey Skylar come join us we are watching Netflix!

I sat on the ground beside Chloe and watched whatever movie they were watching. Luckily Chloe had a tv in her room so we didn't have to watch it off her computer screen.

Alissa: Chloe the cast list should be up now!

Chloe grabbed her laptop and went to the school's website.

Chloe: Oh my god this fucking website is so slow!

The website loaded and we saw the cast list.

Chloe: I got Ariel!!!!

Tiffany: What did I get?

Chloe: Ursula. Harlow is one of Ursula's eels.

Skylar: If you listen closely I think we can hear Harlow crying in the distance!

They all surprisingly laughed at my joke. Chloe then went to get food. When she came back everyone was talking to each other. I was the odd one out since we have an odd numbered group of people here. I knew this was going to happen it always does.

Chloe: I am having a party at my house on Halloween. You won't need costumes cause whats the point it's a high school party. I invited like half of the school already.

Skylar: How did you convince your mom to let you host a party?

Chloe: Who do you think is supplying us with all the alcohol? 

Skylar: Oh ok.

We spent the rest of the night eating and watching Netflix before we decided to go to bed at 2 in the morning.

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