Chapter 8

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Skylar's p.o.v

Today was November 2nd. It was just a normal day for everyone else. Not in this household. Today was the 2 year anniversary of my mom's death. It was safe to say that nobody was in a good mood today. I got up from my bed and made my way downstairs for breakfast. Lyla made us pancakes. I took a few pancakes and we begun eating It was silent.

Ethan: Autumn is going to be here soon. We can then go to the cemetery.

I was excited to see Autumn. She is coming home this weekend from college to be here with us. Since she wasn't living with us when we moved we don't have a room for her. That means we share. I didn't know how today was going to go. We are just doing the same thing we did last year. Once we were finished breakfast the doorbell rang. I ran to the door to answer it. Autumn and I immediately hugged each other!

Autumn: Yay my favourite sister!

Skylar: Don't let Brooklyn hear that or she will go on a rampage!

Lyla: Autumn come in.

Autumn: Hi Lyla!

Autumn came in and we took her bag to my room. It was 10:45 so we were sitting in my room getting ready to go.

Skylar: How has school been going?

Autumn: Great! I've made a lot of new friends and am doing well in my classes. How's life here?

Skylar: Same as it was last time. Everyone in this house pretends that I don't exist. Some guys I go to school with don't like me so they tend to bully me sometimes. We had a new family move in next door 2 months ago. The son is kinda cute but he hangs out with the wrong group of people.My only friend is getting more distant so soon i'll have no one left. Aside from that my job at the diner is pretty good.

Autumn: Wow that's a lot of shit. What's the guys name?

Skylar: Calum.

Autumn: Do you think Calum likes you?

Skylar: No. He acts like my friend when we are alone but the second his friends are around he acts like they do.

Autumn: Is he cute?

Skylar: Autumn!

Autumn: I'll take that as a yes. My sister has a crush!

Ethan: It's time to go.

My dad, Autumn, Brooklyn, Owen and I all got into the car and drove to the cemetery. Lyla and Harlow were staying home since they weren't in any way related to my mom. It took us 5 minutes to get there. We parked the car and grabbed everything we brought with us. We started by cleaning up the area a little bit. We then grabbed our flowers and placed them on her grave. Owen started crying so we comforted him and continued. We had a picture of her to put on the grave as well. We then placed yellow roses. They were her favourite kind of flower and also her favourite colour. All of us then sat down. My dad then started telling us different stories and memories he had with her. I really miss her. I wish she was still alive. My life would be so different if she was here. After we were done visiting my mom we also went to where my grandpa on my dad's side was. Once we were finished there we went back home. We walked in the door to see Lyla and Harlow have suitcases packed.

Lyla: So we decided to something fun this weekend. The girls are going to go to Manhattan overnight and have a spa day. Ethan you and Owen are going to that campsite Owen wanted to go to.

Ethan: Lyla I am not sure if that is a good idea especially today.

Lyla: I already booked everything.

Skylar: When are we going?

Lyla: Your not going. Your boss called the house phone while you were gone asked if you could cover a shift tomorrow morning. I said you would go in because she seemed desperate and you weren't home. I didn't know we were going to Manhattan yet or I would of said no to her.

Skylar: Of course you did this.

Autumn: I'll stay home because I have to go home tomorrow morning and you wouldn't be back yet.

Lyla: Oh that's unfortunate.

Owen: Dad can we go fishing when we get to the campsite?

Ethan: I don't see why not.

Within a few minutes Lyla, Harlow and Brooklyn left to go to Manhattan. Shortly after my dad and Owen left for their camping trip.

Skylar: You didn't have to stay back with me but thanks I appreciate it.

Autumn: Well hanging out with you is better then being stuck in the car with Harlow hearing about her life.

Skylar: What do you want to do?

Autumn: We could go see a movie at 3.

Skylar: The Invisible Man is out in theaters today.

Autumn: We can go see that then.

Suddenly we heard a knock on our door. We walked to it and opened it.

Calum: Hey can we talk?

Skylar: Calum now is not really a good time.

Autumn: So this is the Calum you were talking about?

Skylar: Autumn!

Calum: Aww you were talking about me? All good things I hope.

Autumn: Well actually Calum whatever your last name is. She was talking about how you treat her in front of her friends and then in private how you are nice to her.

Calum: And who are you?

Autumn: I'm her sister and if I hear anything else about you being rude to my sister I will personally drive all the way from Pennsylvania to New York to kick your ass!

Calum: Skylar you didn't tell me you had a cool sister! Anyway I know I keep on apologizing and messing up over and over again. We just really have to talk.

Skylar: Autumn and I are kind of busy right now so maybe I will talk to you at school on Monday.

Autumn: We were going to see a movie you should come with us.

Calum: If that's alright with Skylar.

Skylar: Yeah whatever let's just go.

I grabbed my keys and we got into my car. I made Calum sit in the backseat. Once we got to the theater we paid for the tickets and food. Autumn made me sit in the middle so he was beside me. I don't know why she thinks doing this will result in Calum and I dating cause it won't work.

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