Chapter 10

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Skylar's p.o.v

Today was the Friday before Christmas Break. I am driving Calum home from school and then I have to go to work in the next hour. Once we got to his house he got out of the car and I said goodbye. I parked the car and walked into my house. I walked into my room and got changed into my uniform. Tonight I was working a really short shift. Just 4:30-7:30. When it was almost time to leave I grabbed a snack from the kitchen and drove to work. When I walked in the door Jillian handed me an envelope. I forgot that we get paid today. I thanked her and put the envelope in my car. I walked back inside and clocked in for work. 

Josh: Hey Skylar!

Skylar: Hey Josh are closing tonight?

Josh: Yeah.

It was now 6:30. Calum and his family walked into the diner.

Josh: Aww your boyfriend came to see you!

Skylar: His parents probably just wanted to go out for supper.

Jillian: Well don't keep them waiting.

 I grabbed 3 menus and walked over to their table. I said my normal greeting as I handed them their menus.

Calum: Hey babe it's just us you don't have to act all professional.

Skylar: I kind of do have to. Anyway what could I get you guys?

I placed their order and brought them back their drinks.

Calum: What time do you get off?

Skylar: 7:30.

Calum: We will be done eating by then so do you want to hang out after?

Skylar: Sure.

I left their table and went to clean.

Calum's p.o.v

Skylar brought out our food and we began eating. My parents just kept on staring at each other like they had something to say.

Joy: Calum we have something to tell you.

Calum: Last time you said that we were moving.

David: No we are staying in East Hills.

Calum: Then what is it?

Joy: Your father and I are getting a divorce?

Calum: What? Why?

David: Yeah Joy would you like to explain it to him?

Joy: Calum I am lesbian.

Calum: How long have you known?

Joy: A few years. Long story I cheated on your dad with another woman and he caught me. That is why we are getting a divorce.

Calum: I'm happy for you that you are coming out and all but why would you just not end it before you fucked another woman behind his back?!

David: Calum please calm down!

Calum: No I won't calm down! Why did you think telling me this in a public place was good to begin with?

I got up and left the diner. My parents were yelling my name trying to get me to come back and sit down. I walked to the side parking lot where Skylar's car was. She only had 20 minutes of her shift left so I texted her to let her know I was outside. 20 minutes later Skylar came out with a worried look on her face. She kissed me and pulled me into a hug.

Skylar: What happened in there Cal?

Calum: Well it turns out my mom is lesbian and has been cheating on my dad for like over a year now. He caught her and are now getting a divorce.

Skylar: Well that sucks. Sorry that you have to go through this.

Calum: Thanks. Can we just get out of here?

Skylar: Sure.

We got into Skylar's car and drove to the gas station. She filled up her car and bought a couple of snacks. We then drove to an outdoor ice skating rink

Calum: What are we doing here?

Skylar: Well I don't think you want to go home right now and if we go see a movie it will already of started.

Calum: Ok.

We rented our skates and then joined everyone on the ice.

Skylar: So who are you going to be living with?

Calum: My dad. We will probably keep the house and my mom can go wherever the fuck she wants with her girlfriend.

After ice skating we drove home. I was dreading having to talk to my parents right now. This whole divorce thing was a lot to think about. I said goodnight to Skylar and walked into my house.

Joy: Calum where were you?

Calum: Relax I was just with Skylar.

David: Sit down we need to talk.

Calum: Ok.

Joy: So we have decided what will happen. You and your dad will be staying here. I will be moving out before the end of Christmas break.

Calum: So you are going to be here on Christmas?

Joy: Yes.

David: There is no custody battle. We decided that you can stay here with me but if that ever changes you are allowed to live with your mom.

Calum: No I am staying here.

David: Ok.

Calum: Alright well if we are done talking it's getting late so I am going to bed.

Joy: Goodnight.

I made my way to my room and changed into my pj's. I then brushed my teeth and got into my bed.

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