Chapter 4

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Skylar's p.o.v

It was now 3rd period. Today was not getting any better. I figured out that Calum is in all 3 of my classes. To make matters worse we are even cooking partners in our Foods and Nutrition class. 

Skylar: Hood this is the third class you have followed me today. Were you stalking me when you made your schedule?

Calum: I was unaware of your existence when my schedule was being made. At least I don't have a class after this one.

Skylar: I have a spare too.

Calum: Great.

Mr.Parker: Ms.Wright please pay attention to the lesson.

Skylar: I was!

Mr.Parker: What pages did I just assign for tonight's homework?

Skylar: Pages 28-35.

Mr.Parker: Oh you actually were listening. Sorry.

After class was over and while people were going to 4th period I was at my locker getting my stuff to go home. 

Calum: So what do you do during this time?

Skylar: Holy shit stop following me!

Calum: We came from the same class and have lockers beside each other.

Skylar: Oh. Anyway I always go home. I mean you can stay but you have a car so why would you. Well I guess unless you have football practice after since you wanted to join the team.

Calum: Aww you remembered?

Skylar: Oh shut up!

Michael: Calum leave the poor girl you know how girls are when they are on their periods. You don't want to piss her off.

Skylar: Wow what an original joke.

Michael: C'mon Calum I'll take you to Coach Scott.

Calum: See you around Skylar.

I arrived home shortly after 2. I was alone since I was the only person with a spare. My dad doesn't get off work until 5 and Lyla gets off at 3. 


It was 6:45. I told Lyla I would take Owen to soccer since her and dad were having a date night. Once we got to the soccer field I saw a whole bunch of other kids but with their parents. I was the only teen here. Or so I thought.

Calum: So you are following me now?

Skylar: I'm here for my brother. Why are you here?

Calum: Well we need to do so many hours of volunteer work to graduate. I'm short 15 hours.

Skylar: Cool well if you need me i'll be at the bleachers.

Calum: Why would I need you?

Skylar: I was just saying that to end our conversation.

As I walked away to the bleachers I heard Calum talk again.

Calum: Hey do you think you could give me a ride home? 

Skylar: Just get one of your buddies to pick you up!

Calum: But we live right beside each other!

Skylar: Oh i'm sorry. It must suck that girls like me only do things when we want to gain something from it.

Calum: I said that a whole day ago. You're still mad about that?

Skylar: You bet.

Calum: Ugh whatever the guys were right.

Skylar: What's that supposed to mean?

Calum: Just forget about it.

After practice I got Owen and we walked to my car. It started raining heavily. 

Owen: You should pick Calum up. He is going to get soaked.

Skylar: Nope not happening.

Owen: Why not?

Skylar: It's complicated Owen.

Next thing I knew Owen was rolling down his window yelling at Calum to get in.

Skylar: Owen no!

Calum: Well I guess if you are insisting Owen I will get a ride.

Skylar: Fucking great!

Owen: I'm telling mom that you swore!

Skylar: Do you want to walk?

Owen: You can't do that!

Skylar: Then you better be quiet!

I drove home in silence. When I dropped Calum off I didn't even get a thank you. We got out of the car and went inside. It was just Harlow, Brooklyn, Owen and I who were home alone. After grabbing some food from the kitchen I went to my room to do my Math homework. While I was sitting at my desk I noticed the light turn on in a room from Calum's house. It must be his bedroom. It's weird how close our bedrooms were to each other. I looked away and closed my curtains before he could see me.

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