Chapter 12

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Skylar's p.o.v

Today was the first day back to school after Christmas break. I'm not excited to go back to school. On top of that exams are at the end of the month. Also at some point during the month I need to apply for university. I have always wanted to work with kids. I was thinking I would either work in a preschool. If I didn't do that I would be an elementary school teacher. I don't know where I want to go to school though. I wasn't thinking about going out of state but it is always an option. After getting dressed for school I went downstairs for breakfast.

Ethan: Good morning.

Skylar: Morning.

I went to the kitchen and made myself a bowl of fruit loops. I then grabbed the apple juice from the fridge and sat down with the rest of my family. After breakfast I went went back to my room and realized that I got a text.

Calum: Hey babe wanna leave now and have a Starbucks date before we go to school?

Skylar: Sure! I'll be out in 2 minutes.

I put on my winter coat and then grabbed my backpack. I then went to my car and saw Calum walking over from next door. He got into the passenger side and I started driving to Starbucks.

Skylar: Excited to go back to school?

Calum: Well right now it is better then being stuck at home.

Skylar: I guess you're right. Harlow was driving me crazy over the break.

We got to Starbucks and then went inside. After ordering our drinks we found a table and sat down.

Calum: So did you do anything exciting over the break.

Skylar: I didn't do that much. I worked a lot. On Christmas my family, my dads side of the family and my step moms side of the family drove an hour to my mom's parents.

Calum: That seems a complicated.

Skylar: Yep. What did you do?

Calum: Well I spent the morning at home with my dad and my grandparents. They drove down for the week from Manhattan. After lunch my mom came and picked me up. I then was forced to spend dinner with her new family.

Skylar: New family?

Calum: Her girlfriend was married before and has 2 other kids. We don't get along at all.

Skylar: That sucks.

Calum: We should probably go to school now.

I looked at my phone realizing we lost track of time. School starts in 5 minutes. We grabbed our coffees and ran to my car. Once we were in I drove as fast as I legally could. As I was parking the car the bell rang meaning we were late. We went to our lockers and then ran to our English class.

Mrs.Lancaster: Calum Skylar nice of you to join us. Would you like to explain why you are late to my class?

Skylar: We just lost track of time sorry.

Mrs.Lancaster: Well this is the 3rd time this school year that both of you have been late. I expect to see you in detention at lunch.

Calum: That's unfair!

Mrs.Lancaster: No what is unfair is you coming in late interrupting my lesson now sit down before I make it 2 detentions.

I took my seat beside Chloe and got what I needed from my backpack. At least I have my homework with me that we were assigned over the break. I handed that in hoping that would stop the teacher from acting bitchy for the rest of the class.


It was now lunch. Detention was luckily only half a hour and not the whole lunch. We walked into the room seeing a few other students. We took our seats and waited for the rest of the students to show up.

Mrs.Lancaster: You all know why you are here. Now sit here in silence and think about what you have done and what you can do to be a better student. 

After detention was over we went to the cafeteria for lunch. Once we got our food we tried finding Chloe so we could sit with her. I then remembered she would be in rehearsals for the play. We sat at a table together. Suddenly Ashton, Michael and Luke showed up. I was not happy and you could tell.

Calum: Oh hey guys.

Michael: What are you guys talking about?

Skylar: None of your business.

Luke: Calum. The guys and I are hanging out at my house tonight. Are you coming?

Calum: Sure. What time?

Luke: 8.

Calum: I'll be there.

Ashton: Ugh I just got a text from Harlow. She wants me to watch her stupid play rehearsal.

Skylar: Hey Ashton. It's not good to call something your girlfriend likes stupid.

Ashton: Stay out of it Skylar. You don't even like Harlow so why do you care?

I couldn't think of what to say back to Ashton so I just stayed silent.

Ashton: That's right. Cause you don't care.

Skylar: Don't you have somewhere to be?

The 3 of them got up to leave. I then looked at Calum who was not saying anything.

Skylar: When it comes to them why do you never stand up for me?

I grabbed my backpack and got up from my seat. I didn't really know where I was going but Calum was really pissing me off.

Calum: Skylar wait!

Skylar: Don't follow me!

I left the cafeteria and walked to my locker. Class started in a few minutes so I just showed up early. I walked into my Math class and took a seat. Ms.Parker then got out of her seat and walked towards me. She handed me a slip of paper.

Skylar: What's this?

Ms.Parker: The guidance counselors are making appointments with all the seniors. Yours is next period.

Skylar: Ok thanks. 

I looked at the time written on the appointment card. I usually drive home right after this class since I have a spare. Guess I will just have to stay a bit longer today. The bell rang and students started filling the classroom. I looked up to see Calum sitting in his seat beside me.


The bell rang so I got up and went to my locker. Once I grabbed my stuff I made my way down to the office. I handed the secretary my slip and she told me to go down to the last room on the right. I did as she said and found the room she was talking about. The door was closed so I knocked.

Mr.Smith: Hello Skylar please come in.

I walked into the room and sat down in the chair in front of his desk.

Mr.Smith: How are you doing Skylar?

Skylar: I'm good how are you?

Mr.Smith: I'm good. So the reason I called you down here today is to talk about your future. As you know this is the time where you start applying for college or university. Have you thought about what you wanted to do?

Skylar: I want to be a teacher. I already did my research and picked the schools I want to apply to. I just need to submit my applications.

Mr.Smith: That's great!

After the appointment was over I said goodbye and left the school. I decided that by the end of this week I would have all my applications sent out.

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