Chapter 16

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Calum's p.o.v

Today I was going to be asking Skylar to prom. I still had no idea how I was going to do that. I know she wouldn't want me to do some big promposal in front of the entire school. It was time to go to school so I walked over to her house. She walked out the front door of her house to her car.

Calum: Good morning.

I kissed her and she kissed me back before getting into her car so we could go to school. On the way to school I was deciding when I was going to ask her.

Calum: So um I was wondering if you wanted to go to prom with me?

Skylar: I'd love to go to prom with you!

Well that's a relief. I didn't think that she would say no I was just worried that she would think asking her wasn't a good enough way to do it.

Skylar: So I got us tickets to go see The Little Mermaid tonight.

Calum: Great! What time does it start?

Skylar: It start's at 7:00. Did you want to go out for supper before?

Calum: Sounds good to me.

Skylar: So we should probably leave my house around 6:00.


It was 5:00 and I was in my room playing video games. All of the cast had to be at the school so Harlow was now leaving. She was still mad about Chloe getting the lead. I waited for 6:00 and then met Calum outside my house. we got into my car and drove to McDonald's. We walked inside and ordered our food. Once it was ready we filled up our drinks and found a booth to sit in. Once we finished eating our food we drove to the school and found Chloe.

Chloe: Hey!

Skylar: Hey are you ready for tonight?

Chloe: I'm a bit nervous but I will be fine.

Calum: Well you are going to do great.

Chloe: Thanks. Anyway I have to go backstage so enjoy the show!

We said goodbye to Chloe and then found our seats in the auditorium.


The play was over so we left the auditorium. The cast all standing together so we walked over to Chloe.

Chloe: Hey!

Skylar: Hey you did great!

Chloe: Thanks Skylar!

Skylar: So how many shows do you have left?

Chloe: 3 more. Tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow night and then Sunday night. By the way I am having a little party tonight. You guys can come if you want.

Calum: Ok thanks.

We walked out of the school and got back into my car.

Skylar: Did you want to go to Chloe's party?

Calum: I'll go if you want to go.

Skylar: Sure let's go.

After Calum and I decided to go we went to the gas station since my car was low on gas. After paying we drove to Chloe's house. When we walked in I was kind of surprised to say the least. I thought she was going to be inviting the entire school but it was mostly just the cast and crew of the play. 

Skylar: Hi.

Everyone: Hey.

We found 2 chairs and sat down with the group of people in Chloe's house. They were mostly just talking about the play and generic life stuff.

Chloe: Ok I got the drinks!

We made our way to the kitchen and got our drinks. I'm not a big drinker so I just told Calum to get me what he gets. He handed me a can and I opened it.

Chloe: So has Calum asked you to prom yet?

Skylar: He actually asked me this morning.

Chloe: We need to go prom dress shopping soon!

Skylar: Who are you going with. 

Chloe: Kyle. The guy you work with.

Skylar: Oh cool. I didn't know you guys are dating!

 Chloe: Well it's only been a week but it is going good so far.

Skylar: Lyla is taking Harlow, Brooklyn and I prom dress shopping next week. I'll ask her if you can come.

Chloe: Ok. I can't believe that we only have 2 more months of school left.

Skylar: Me neither!

Chloe: Oh I got my acceptance letter to Florida State University!

Skylar: What are you majoring in?

Chloe: Marketing.

Skylar: Nice!

After Chloe's party I drove Calum home. I walked into my house and saw that Lyla was the only one up.

Lyla: Did you like the play?

Skylar: Yeah. Did you?

Lyla: It was ok I guess. Harlow can't stop talking about it.

Skylar: When we go prom dress shopping next week can we take Chloe with us?

Lyla: I don't see why not. 

Skylar: Thanks.

Lyla: Well I'm going to bed so goodnight.

Skylar: Goodnight.

I went to my room and sat at my desk. I had a little bit of homework and wanted to get it over with. It only took me half an hour to complete. When I was finished I changed into my pj's and went to bed.

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