Chapter 17: #ZombieAmbrose

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9:22 PM

Rollins and Reigns walked all over the arena. They didn't care about losing the match.

They were angry that Punk interfered in it, and that Ambrose was missing again.

They looked everywhere. From their S.H.I.E.L.D. hiding places, to the meat freezers.

They had asked all around. They asked everyone from Adam Rose and the 'Exotics' to John Cena and Brad Maddox.

The Lunatic Fringe was nowhere to be found.

The former Tag Team Champions were walking don't an empty hall.

"Maybe he left the arena", Reigns suggested.

"I don't think so", Seth replied.

Roman:"Punk's match is in five. Sure you don't wanna greet him in down the ring?"

Seth squeezed through two large metal boxes.

Seth:"I don't have time for that. We have to find Dean or else -"

Seth and Roman stooped in their tracks when the lights began flickering.

Every time it was completely dark, Seth saw something that horrified him. He saw Dean Ambrose. Ambrose looked dead at him. Like he was looking straight into Seth's soul.

Dean's eyes looked like they had surgical stitches surrounding them. They weren't normal. They looked pale. Even scarier, Dean looked terrified. Ambrose wasn't one to scare easily.

Dean's arms and face looked mutilated. Ripped apart, skin falling off. He looked like something from Insidious.

The lights returned to normal.

"Pal", Seth began, almost stuttering. "Call Sting. He should know how to handle this."

"M-my phones back in my bag. In the locker room"m Roman replied. Both of them were frightened. Terrified.

Seth:"We have to find someone."

Roman:"Who? We can't find Bray and kick his behind."

Seth:"We have to find the Undertaker."

Roman was stunned and a little scared. He didn't know if Seth lost his mind too.

Roman:"Are you crazy? You think Undertaker is going to help two of the men that Triple Powerbombed him through an announce table?"

Seth:"We have to try. He might be the only one who can help Ambrose. I would rather get Kane, but he's gonna try to rip my head off before he helps us."

Roman:"And where do you suggest we find the man who was destroyed by Brock Lesnar?"

Seth huffed. "I don't know. But if we go with this, we need a week off."

Roman:"I'll talk to Maddox. You think of somewhere to try looking."

Seth:"I already have an idea. Go find Maddox. I'll pack our stuff."

Maddox gave the former Tag Champions the time they needed.

It was the same night.

10:13 PM

They thought if Undertaker was where Rollins assumed, they could get back to the arena with him before the show was over, they could call out Dean and Wyatt, and straighten Dean's head.

The drove all over Sin City, Las Vegas in Roman's car.

They didn't find what Rollins was looking for.

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