Chapter 5: Consequences-Part 2

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Seth's 'The Second Coming' theme song hit.
Dean Ambrose's 'Retaliation' interrupted. But then five familiar words played and the crowd went nuts.

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, and Delta, is the S.H.I.E.L.D.

Seth and Dean walked out to their theme song.
The crowd was a mix of cheers, boos, and confused people.
Ambrose and Dean got into ring.
Seth and Dean took microphones.

Dean laughed into the microphone. "We got you all!!"

Seth chuckled. It was a little funny how no one expected this.

Seth:"We fooled you people. We fooled the Authority."


Dean:"We fooled everyone backstage."


Seth:"We fooled Vince McMahon."


Dean:"We fooled that fat guy sitting right there with the S.H.I.E.L.D. t-shirt!!"

Seth:"You people thought I would betray my brothers. You thought I would do something like that to get a shiny briefcase? Pft. I could beat Brock Lesnar without this." He tapped his briefcase.

Dean:"Justice will prevail. Justice will help this company. Even if it isn't us, there will always be a S.H.I.E.L.D.!! John Cena served our cause by fighting the Authority."

Seth:"Dolph Ziggler helped our cause. Anyone who ever stood up to the Authority, and suffered for it, is a member of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Team Cena, was the S.H.I.E.L.D. Sting helped the S.H.I.E.L.D."

Dean:"What we're trying to that we didn't betray each other. It was all a plan. Our plan. We got inside the Authority, and we took it apart!!"

Seth:"Now you might be thinking, 'why would Dean and I send each other through tables?' Simple. Justice. We will forever be the S.H.I.E.L.D. no matter what. If we have to fight each other for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, we'll find out who can wrestle better. The point is...the S.H.I.E.L.D. exists, and will forever. Believe that...and believe in the S.H.I.E.L.D."

Seth dropped his microphone. As soon as he did that, a theme song he recognized too much played.
(Play music)

Vince McMahon walked onto the stage with a disgusted frown on his own face.

Vince lifted the microphone to his face.
(Stop music)

Dean:"Turn that frown upside down Vince, we just got rid of your kids!!!"

Vince frowned even more. The crowd cheered, 'Ambrose, Ambrose, Ambrose!!'

Vince:"Shut up you disgusting, sick, crazy, more-worthless-than-dirt, mother-flipper."


Vince:"I can't believe you decided to do what you did!!"


Vince:"I should rip that briefcase from your arms Seth."


Vince:"You bashed my son-in-law with that case. The case he got for you!!! You put your hands on my daughter!! You both are gonna go home crying. Dean...since you have rebelled against them from the beginning of this, you must be punished. Tonight Dean, our main event will be you, versus Bray Wyatt, in a Falls Count Anywhere match!!!"

The crowd roared. Dean smirked a little.

Vince:" Monday, I will have someone for you to battle, whether you're medically cleared, or not. That someone is going to kick, you, a**!!!"

Seth's smile faded away, as he pondered on who it could be.

Vince:"John Cena may have appointed Brad Maddox, saying he 'trusts the kid', but I am the Chairman of this industry, and I have all power over this place!!!"

The crowd began booing.

Vince:"You people wanna boo then?!? Go ahead, boo!! Boo you butts off!!! You hear me?!? I command you to boo!!!" Boo!! BOo!! BOO!! BOOOOO!!!"

The crowd happily followed his orders.

Vince walked backstage with the anger of a Titan.
(Play music)

Dean was happy that he could get his hands on Bray without being held by the rules, or by the arena itself.

As for Seth, he has no idea who Mr. McMahon would make him fight. He had no idea...

Seth Rollins: Forged in FireTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang