Chapter 16: He's got Roman's head, in his hands...

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Monday Night Raw.
8:13 PM.

The bell rang.

Rollins walked forward calmly.

"Ok, Dean", Seth began. "I don't know what Wyatt did to you, but you need to snap out of it."

Ambrose just stared and shook his head in every direction.

"Look", Seth continued. "I'm sorry Dean. I don't know why you're doing this, but I'm sorry-" Seth punched Dean in the face. He sent another one. He Irish-whipped Dean across the ring. Dean sprang with clotheslined Seth. Seth twirled in the air from the force.

Dean walked around the ring with a smile.

He picked up Seth and tossed him into left-lower corner. He stomped Seth in the chest till he fell off his feet. Ambrose threw him into his team corner.

Cesaro felt uneasy tagging in and working with Ambrose.

Cesaro landed a few punches before scooping up Seth, landing a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and going for the first pin of the match.

Rollins kicked out at 2. He still had welts from the Rumble last night.

Cesaro put Seth in an abdominal stretch. It was with his left arm. Cesaro drove his elbow into Seth's ribs, swelling it again.

Seth stood and landed a few punches. He rolled out of Cesaro's arm lock, then sweeper the King of Swing off his feet.

Rollins hit Cesaro with a moonsault immediately after. He pinned.

Cesaro kicked out at 2. Rollins threw Cesaro into his team corner. Rollins kicked at Cesaro's legs and sides before tagging in Roman. Roman stepped in. He Irish-whipped Cesaro across the ring. He knocked Cesaro down with his shoulder.

Roman sprung off the ropes. Cesaro went under Reigns. Roman stopped to turn around. Cesaro tried to punch, Roman blocked and countered with his own fist. Roman picked up Cesaro for a body slam. Cesaro fell behind and tagged in Dean. Roman turned around and tried to kick Cesaro.

Cesaro caught the foot. Ambrose clotheslined Reigns down and went for the cover.

Roman got his shoulder up at 2.

Ambrose wrapped his arm around Roman's throat and squeezed. Ambrose laughed as sang, 'He's Got The Whole World In His Hands'.

Seth looked in disbelief. Seth stepped in the ring. The official tried to keep him back. Ambrose released the hold and faced down Rollins. Seth went back on the count of 4.

Ambrose turned around to Read man picking him up and planting him with a Samoan drop.

Reigns picked up and whipped Ambrose across the ring. Dean jumped on top of Roman and landed fists on his head.

Ambrose put Reigns in his team corner. He put some fists in Roman's chest. A soldier chop across his chest. Cesaro was tagged in.

Dean slammed his shoulder in Roman's gut. Cesaro booted Roman dead in his face with a solid and disgusting thud.

Roman was put down for the cover.

He kicked out at 2.

Cesaro put Reigns in the lower-left corner. He shoulder tackled Reigns in the gut multiple times. Cesaro walked to the opposing corner. He ran for a dove for an spinning uppercut. Reigns moved.

Cesaro stumbled forward. Reigns hit him with a leaping clothesline.

Seth stomped on the steps for momentum.

The crowd clapped for Roman.

Cesaro and Roman tagged in their teammates.

Rollins hit Ambrose with a clothesline. Another one. Seth hit Ambrose with a spinning heel kick into the top-right corner.

Seth rolled farther and ran back, connecting with a flying forearm into Dean's face. Seth pulled him back into the powerbomb position. Seth lifted Dean up. Dean slid behind Rollins.

Dean ran with a missile dropkick to send Reigns flying off the apron. Seth hit Dean in the back of the head with an elbow.

Seth hit a few of them. Seth threw Ambrose back into the top-right corner. Seth ran and leapt. Dean bogged Rollins in his chest. Dean put himself on the top rope. He was readying himself. Seth's speed allowed him to shake the ropes. Dean fell hard on the turnbuckle. Seth jumped up and threw Dean down and across the ring with a hurricanrana from the top rope.

The blast of the theme music 'Best In The World' blasted in the arena. CM Punk walked down the ramp. Seth stared at him.

Reigns stared down Punk. Cesaro hit Roman from behind. Roman was then thrown into the steel steps.

Seth began to walk in that direction, when Dean ran for a clothesline. Rollins ducked, and turned around with an enziguiri to Dean's head. Dean went through the ropes then springboarded with a clothesline knocking down Seth.

Dean pinned. Rollins was closely out at 2.

Punk had taken a seat near the commentators.

Cesaro tagged himself in. Ambrose, though offended, backed into the apron.

Cesaro readied Seth for the Neutralizer. Roman slid back in and connected with a Superman Punch to Cesaro's face. Roman didn't notice Dean tagged himself back in.

Dean tossed Roman out the ring. Seth stood at the the right-top corner facing the crowd. Dean pulled Rollins back. Seth accidentally uncovered the turnbuckle. Dean put Seth in a headlock. Seth lifted up Dean and German suplexed him. Seth spotted Punk about to slide in the ring. Seth stood and faced him. Roman Speared Cesaro, who was about to make an attack outside.

Dean pushed Seth's face into the uncovered turnbuckle and executed a roll-up pin.

The official got to 1. Roman noticed. He tried to slide in, but Punk hit Roman with the briefcase on his back.

The official didn't see as he got to 2, then 3.

(Play music)

Punk lifted up Roman and delivered the GTS to him.

Ambrose rolled out the ring. Rollins looked on.

Cesaro stumbled his way to Ambrose.

Punk slid in the ring. He waited Rollins to turn around. When he did, Punk slammed his newly won contract briefcase on Rollins' head.

Outside, Ambrose had thrown Cesaro over the barricade.

Punk and Ambrose looked at each other.

Roman struggled to stand.

Punk left the ring. Ambrose walked out the arena through the crowd. Punk left walked up the ramp, smiling and laughing.

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