Chapter 15: It's happening all over again...

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The occurring night was horrifying for Rollins.

When he and Ambrose fought each other when tricking the Authority, with Ambrose haunting his every step, it was fine. Fun, even.

But now, Rollins literally saw Ambrose everywhere. He would see him in the catering area standing in the midst of a crowd, and then he'd blink, and Dean would be gone.

It happened to him all over the arena.

He was waiting behind the curtain for his time. It was a match with Cesaro. He was going to pound this guy into the ground.

The Second Coming blared. He waited till the first verse was over, then he walked out. He was at the top of the stage. He signaled for the crowd to be louder.

Cesaro smirked in the ring.

(Play music)

Rollins looked behind him as a remix of Dean Ambrose's Retaliation theme played. Nothing yet. He expected this. Seth looked in the crowd.

Rollins looked over the stage. Nothing.

The crowd and the commentators went crazy. Ambrose lifted up a sheet of metal and crawled out. Seth heard the crowd. He looked behind, and just then, Dean flipped Seth onto his back and began throwing fists on his face and body.

(Stop music)

Seth tried to fight back. Seth turned Dean over and got him in a headlock. The two men stood.
Ambrose lifted up Seth and landed with a German suplex. Seth got a welt on the metal ground. Dean continued punching.
Roman Reigns came from behind the curtain and pried Dean off Seth. Dean fought. Roman threw Ambrose face first into the big WWE logo. Ambrose fell and rolled off the stage. Seth stood with help from Roman.
Dean stared in silence.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa", boomed a familiar voice into the arena. Brad Maddox walked out the curtain.

Maddox:"Now we are not going into complete chaos. Dean, I don't know what the heck is going on between you two, but you'll get to deal it hit right now."

The crowd cheered as they knew what was coming.

Maddox:"Ambrose, meet your tag team partner, Cesaro down the ring as you and him go against the team of Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns."

Dean smiled wickedly and walked down the ramp. Cesaro had no idea what was going on, except he was going to have to team up with the lunatic that beat him half a million times.

Rollins and Reigns didn't want this. But they decided to try and beat Ambrose back to his...preferred mental state.

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