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Daniel Bryan leaned on the corner, gasping for breath.

John Cena readied at the opposite corner.

He ran. Bryan moved out of the way, letting Cena collide with the turnbuckle.

Daniel ran and connected with the Knee Plus.

If he could cover here, the match may be over, and Daniel may be the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

But he couldn't cover. Once more, Cena drove Bryan beyond his limits, and now he was paying for it.

The Second Coming rang through the arena. The arena popped in a mixed reaction - some were glad; while others wanted Bryan to win the title against both men.

Nonetheless, Seth ran into the ring, and demanded the referee to make his wish official.

"Ladies and gentlemen", Lilian Garcia began. "Seth Rollins is Cashing In his Money In The Bank Briefcase, making this a Triple Threat Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship!!!"

Rollins clotheslined Bryan who was struggling to get up.

Seth watched Cena get to one knee.

Seth ran to the ropes and bounced off with a CurbStomp to John Cena.

Seth went for the pin.



Bryan pulled Seth off the champion, and put him in the Yes!Lock with lightning speed.

Seth screamed in agony as Bryan pulled his already injured shoulder.

Seth leaned back and lifted Bryan up.

He threw Bryan into the corner, putting him down.

John Cena scooped up Seth onto his shoulders.

Seth slid off and let Bryan hit Cena with a Knee Plus again.

Bryan was on his knees groggily.

Seth connected with a CurbStomp to Bryan.

He pinned.




The bell rang. Seth's music blared.

The people were almost silenced as Seth was announced as the New WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

Seth escaped the ring quickly with his new title belt.

Seth swung it around his head, ecstatic with his victory.

Seth raised his title high, as fireworks exploded around the arena.

Daniel Bryan and John Cena laid in the ring in disbelief.

Bryan was angry at Cena and Seth. This was the second time someone with that bloody briefcase had screwed him over and taken what was his.

Seth didn't care. He was proud that now Punk, Cena, and Bryan are gonna have to used to hearing his name as Champion...

Seth Rollins: Forged in FireWhere stories live. Discover now