Chapter 23: Challenges

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9:42 PM

Monday Night Raw.

Atlanta, Georgia.

Punk stomped on Daniel Bryan's chest down in the corner of the ring.

Bray Wyatt paced the ring, with a wicked grin on his face.

Dean Ambrose smashed the steel chair across the WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena's back.

CM Punk raised the #1 to his feet. A spinning back kick to Bryan's gut.

Big Show and Kane laughed in triumph.

Earlier, Daniel was supposed to have a match with Bray Wyatt. This is how it concluded. Cena tried to help his Wrestlemania opponent, but was attacked from behind by Dean Ambrose and Mr. Money in The Bank, CM Punk.

Ambrose hit Cena in the back with the chair for a second time.

Punk had Bryan in a Muay Thai clinch, shoving his knees into Daniel's head.

Punk threw Bryan into the clutches of Bray Wyatt.

Bray bent him back - and planted him with Sister Abigail.

Cena was in the position for Dirty Deeds. He was planted into the ground.

Big Show grabbed Cena by his throat. He lifted him up to his feet, then levitated him into the Chokeslam.

Kane simultaneously delivered his own Chokeslam to Daniel Bryan.

The scene was interrupted by six words - SIERRA, HOTEL, INDIA, ECHO, LIMA, and DELTA - followed by the familiar tune of the Hounds of Justice.

Up in the rafters, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns were dressed in their S.H.I.E.L.D. gear.

They came down the steps.

As Rollins proceeded to hop over the barricade, Kane approached him. He threw a fist which Seth ducked - letting Roman connect with a Superman Punch to Kane's jaw.

Seth got over the barricade.
He leaped onto the ring apron. CM Punk tried to throw a punch, Seth grabbed his wrist, and connected with an enziguiri head kick.

Big Show faced off with Roman outside. Roman Speared him through the barricades.

Seth ducked under Dean's clothesline. He sprung off the ropes with a single-leg dropkick, sending Dean out the ring.

Bray ran for a boot to Seth's face. Seth ducked under, and retaliated with a Super Kick to the Wyatt's face.

J & J Security was seen running down the ramp.

They went straight to Roman Reigns - who easily sent them flying into the steps.

Rollins' emotions got the best of him - he was on top of Punk, sending hammers into his face.

Bray scratched Seth's back. He picked him up by his hair into a clothesline.

Roman slid into the ring. He got into a fist fight with Bray going into the corner.

Dean slid back into the ring, picked up his chair, and smacked it across Reigns' back.

The Powerhouse fell to his knees. Bray threw fists like bricks into his head.

Kane entered the ring, stomping and keeping down Seth Rollins.

The arena went black.

*play video*

Sting's vignette played. The crow. The wasteland. The face paint.

The lights returned, showing the Vigilante standing tall at the top of the ramp. His baseball bat hung in his hand.

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