Chapter 4: Consequences-Part 1/2

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Rollins woke up to the constant slapping of Dean Ambrose.

"C'mon buddy wake up, you've slept enough", he kept saying. Rollins roughly moved Ambrose's hand.
"I'm up", Seth groaned.

Dean:"Pal, they got us on TV."

Seth sat up. "What?" He realized his shirt was off. Then he noticed the large bandage on the left side of his ribs. "What-"

"A big piece of glass stabbed you right there", Ambrose interrupted. "The cuts on your arms aren't that bad. Unless you're really a wimp and want little bandages for your boo-boos."

"Shut up Dean. Now what did you say? They caught me on TV?"
Rollins still heard the ringing in the back of his head.

"Yeah, the taped you and aired it on the WWE App. They saw me take you through the door, so everyone thinks I kidnapped you."

Rollins groaned. He flexed his arm slowly. "Any word from Sting?"

"Yeah. The guy called when you were asleep. You were asleep for about 45 minutes. It's around 9:30. He said he was impressed. For tonight, you - we, need to come out with Special Op. No need for the ring gear, just the song. We tell the WWE Universe that Justice still exists and prevails. Don't mention Sting, but say that it was all an act to defeat the Authority."

"Great", Rollins said flatly.


Rollins stitched up his shirt. He and Dean were walking down the halls to the ring. They made a right and spotted John Cena down the hall. Cena walked toward them calmy. He knew something was up if Dean and Seth were together.

"No cameras, were safe", Dean pointed out.

"Seth Rollins", Cena said walking down. He reached in front of them. He noted the minor cuts on Seth Rollins' arms, and the more noticeable one on his right cheekbone.

Cena:"Boy do you two have everyone confused. I'd say I'm happy you abandoned Triple H, but I don't get it. Why?"

Seth sighed. "I - we - about to explain why."

Cena:"Does this mean the S.H.I.E.L.D. still exists?"

Dean:"The S.H.I.E.L.D. will always exist. No matter what happens, if Rollins' betrayal was real, it might not even matter. If we see injustice, we or someone else, will take care of it."

Cena thought on those words.

Seth:"Now if you don't mind, Cena, we'd like to go tell everyone else what we just told you."

Seth and Dean walked away without a second word.

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