Chapter 30: HANDICAPPED Pt. 3

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Monday Night Raw


This was the final challenge. All Seth had to do was win a gauntlet match against five other men.

Seth walked out, music blaring, blood pumping, and crowd roaring.

CM Punk was at the announce table, headphones on for commentary.

Seth walked into the ring, awaiting his first opponent.


Fire erupted at the top of the stage. Kane walked out, a scowl on his face.

As Kane walked in, Seth took his opportunity and delivered kicks and stomps.

Kane pushed him back, only for Seth to hit him with an enziguiri head kick.

Seth ran and bounced off the opposite ropes and came back with a dropkick that sent Kane outside.

Kane stood, panting and making sure he was okay.

Seth ran and flew over the ropes, landing on the Devil's Favorite Demon with a hard impact.

Seth stood and yanked off his t-shirt.

He threw Kane into the steel steps with pure anger. Seth was going to win tonight - no matter what.

He rolled Kane into the ring, only to be held back by the official.

Kane rolled into the opposite corner to recuperate.

Seth tried to keep his cool.

The bell rang.

Kane stumbled forward as Seth grabbed his neck, leapt upward and landed behind him planting Kane with a Skywalker.

Seth pinned Kane.



Kane got his shoulder up.

Seth climbed to the top turnbuckle.
Kane stood and grabbed his neck. He brought Rollins down to the ring.

He lifted him up for a Chokeslam.

Seth leapt out Kane's hands, and dropkicked him onto the official.

Seth pulled Kane up into a headlock. He put Kane's arm over his head.

Seth tried to lift Kane into a suplex, but the Big Red Machine didn't give in.

Kane turned it into a suplex of his own.

The official, dazed, tried to stand to his feet.

Kane stood in the corner, facing the crowd.

He picked up Seth by his hair and hoisted him onto his shoulders. Kane tried to set up for a Tombstone Piledriver, but Seth fought back and got out of his grip.

Seth elbowed Kane in the jaw. Kane wasn't too affected. Seth tried again, and again.

He ran and bounced off the ropes into a boot to the face from Kane.

Kane pinned Rollins, who barely got the shoulder up at 2.

Kane picked Seth off the ground by his own ears.

Seth spit in Kane's face, forcing his wrath. Kane picked up Seth and gave him the SideWalk Slam.

Kane pinned Seth.



Seth kicked out once more.

Kane picked up Seth by his throat. He yelled at him, cursing and mocking.

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