17: The Persuasion

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A month has passed since that eventful annual camp, a lot of things happened in school. We won the basketball championship and Joe won the MVP award. We were done with our final exams and thankfully we all passed. We held our recognition day and I was awarded Best in Health Education in our batch. I was not even expecting that because let's face it, me, best in health? Come on. Apparently, I got the highest score in all of our exams so there. But hey don't get me wrong, I am thankful for the recognition.

Moving on, guess what? I qualified for Bachelors of Arts in Psychology in University of Pellemore!!!!!! I got in one if not the most prestigious university in the country!!!! OMG like I can't even. I have so much to prepare and that's what's keeping me busy these days. I am so ecstatic, nervous, excited, but at a bit sad because my friends were not be able to make it. Krissy and Fleur decided to enroll in the same community college near our school. Atleast we could see each other now and then.

As for Brandon, he also made it to University of Pellemore but in a different campus. It was a two hour drive from his campus to my campus. Not that I plan to visit him... but yeah whatever what I am talking about anyway. He was insisting on transferring to my campus but the admissions office clearly told him that freshmen were not allowed to transfer courses and campus. So he had to wait for a year before he could transfer. Speaking of, Brandon just sent me a message.

"Psst." was his message. Bored, much?

"Psst." I replied.

"Are you ready for this Saturday?" was his reply.

This Saturday? Am I missing something?

"For what?" I texted back.

"Are you serious?!" was his reply. Followed by "Oh come on. It's our gradball for crying out loud!"

Oh crap.

"Sorry, I totally forgot!" was my reply.

"don't tell me you have nothing to wear yet"

Of course, I have something to wear, you moron! But...

"nah, nevermind. I wasn't planning on going anyway" was my reply.

"WTF are you taking about" he did not curse at me come on!

My phone suddenly rings, and Brandon's ugly face popped out on screen.

"what do you mean you will not go? we talked about this" he said, clearly agitated.

"I am not going. I don't want to go."

"Why?" he prodded.

"just because." I replied. Seriously I just don't feel like going.

"Don't give my bullshit"

"Hey! Why are you cursing at me?!" I yelled.

"fine. Sorry. Hey, Angela, come on. It's the last day that we will see each other" he pleaded.

"Hey buddy, don't be so dramatic. It's just a two hour drive between your school and my school. We can visit each other or can meet up anytime." I explained.

"This won't do. Hey, you don't want to dance with Paulo?" he suddenly asked which caught me off guard.

"What about you? Do you plan to ask me to dance with you?!" I wanted to scream. The audacity to bring up Paulo!

"Pfft." I snorted.

"Angela , pleaseeee". He pleaded.

"Brandon, you know me. I don't want to waste my time on such trivial events" I stated.

"Am I not important?" he asked, I almost choked with his blunt reply.

"Whaat?  Drama king. Did I say you're not important?" I retorted back. Oh come on, when will there be peace when we interact.

"You don't want to see me... us" was his calm reply.

"No. Hey look, we can still see each other in some other days" I replied.

"It's not the same. Come on, Angela. Please" he pleaded.

"Give me reason why I should go." I challenged him.

"Uhm... there's a lot of delicious food" he started

"Nope." Am I such a glutton?

"It's the last time you would see all of our batchmates"

"I don't care."

"You already paid for your ticket"

"It's okay. I'll just treat it as my donation"

"Grr... come on Angela please?"

"I'm not convince"


"Nope. Do you have anything to say, because I needed to finish these paper works" I stated.

He was silent.

"Okay, I'm hanging up..." I was about to end the call when...

"Because I wanted to see you and ask you to dance" he shouted hurriedly.

I was frozen on my spot. Something stirred in me. OMG what is this.

"Angela.....?" I heard Brandon said.

I still can't believe what I heard.

"Hey Angela, come on answer me..."

"uhm yeah."

"Could you please please please attend our grad ball? Please" he pleaded.

"uhm. Okay." I willed myself to speak.

"YEEESSSS!!!!" I heard him shout on the other line.

"You're the best!!! See you on Saturday, Angela" he enthusiastically said before ending our call.

So what did I get myself into.

Unexpected BuddiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon