10: The Confrontation

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I was back to school and thankfully the hype about the ball has died down. I do not want to be reminded of what happened that night. It is just too painful to bear.

As usual, Brandon keeps avoiding me like the plague. He even chose to sit beside Brenda in our Physics class, instead of sitting beside me. I even heard him asking Brenda for her number and told her that he will text her just in case he does not understand the homework. Wow, so not only is he avoiding me but he’s replacing me with Brenda. Great going, buddy.

But what caught me off guard is that Brenda keeps looking at me. I can sense on her look that she is clearly conflicted.

First of all, it is very unusual for Brandon to suddenly talk to her as if they were long time friends. Second, Brenda knows that Brandon and I are kind of an item and seeing that we’re not talking to each other is really saying something.

Brenda is a good friend of mine. We both love watching Asian dramas and we even shared updates about our favourite actors and actresses. I felt sorry for her that she had to be dragged in this mess we’ve created.

The day went on and before I knew it, it is time for my Biotechnology elective. I was contemplating if I would sit in my usual spot between Therese and Brandon. But as I entered the room, I saw Brandon seated at the back row, so I have no choice but to sit at my usual spot. I brought out my book and started reading on Mitosis and Meiosis, which will be our topic for today.

After a while, Therese entered the room. She sat beside me and nudged me at the elbow.

“Hey what was that for?!” I exclaimed.

“Why was Brandon sitting there and not here?” she questioned.

“I don’t know, ask him” I shrugged. I returned to my reading but not long after I heard Therese’s voice again. This time, she is not talking to me. She is shouting at Brandon.

“Hey Brandon, why are you there? Come back here!” she demanded like a five year old. Unfreakingbelievable. Everyone in the room, including I, looked at her and Brandon.

“Uhm.... I just don’t feel like sitting there,” Brandon reasoned out.

“Why? Did something happen between you and Angie?” she retorted. And that’s when attention was shifted to me. Just great.

“Oh no... nothing happened. Haha. Right, Brandon?” I signalled Brandon to agree with me with my eyes. I saw Brandon closed his eyes and nodded his head.

“Uhm yeah, we’re cool,” he finally replied.

“So what are you waiting for? Bring your ass here or I will announce in the whole school how terrible you are at dancing!” Therese exclaimed. I looked at her with wide eyes. I heard murmurs and snickers from my classmates. I haven’t yet recovered from my initial shock when I heard Brandon revealed something more shocking.

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