7: The Game

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That night, as I was busy listening on my iPod, I received a text from Brandon. I opened his message, excitedly. Hold on, erased the excitedly part.

Are you going to watch loverboy tomorrow? :P ” he asked.

Watch what?” I replied.

After a few seconds. “Seriously, you don’t know? I’m beginning to wonder if you really like loverboy. Isn’t it you’re supposed to know his schedule, especially the major ones?”

I was trying to remember the special occasion but I can’t figure it out.

My phone beeped. “Tomorrow is our semi-finals basketball game.”

Crap, I forgot about that. “Ok. Yep, I’ll come. Why?” I told him.

“Nothing. Maybe I should warn the team. :P”

“Warn about?” I curiously typed and sent.

“You. You know, maybe you’ll bring bad luck to us.”

After reading the message, I got pissed. That boy really knows how to ruin my day!

“Hey, I’m just kidding. Cheer for us, okay? See you, tom <3” his text says but I’m still pissed off to even reply. But my heart fluttered when I saw the last part of the text, the “heart”. I frowned. Why do I feel this way? I need to stop this.  


As promised, I went to the basketball game with Krissy and Fleur. When we got to our seats, I saw our cheering squad in the middle of the court, dancing and cheering for our team. After their cheer, our rival school’s cheering squad took the center stage and also did their thing.

The crowd was really ecstatic. Of course, it’s the semi-finals. Whoever wins today will have the chance to compete in the Championships so this is really a big thing for both schools.

Suddenly, the players came out to the court. The crowd cheered and shouted louder. I saw Paulo waving at the crowd followed by his teammates. At the back of the line came Brandon doing some warm-up stretches. Not even a wave? That boy needs to learn manners.

I heard a very loud scream of a girl shouting “I love you, Brandon!” I searched for the source of the sound and found three sophomores above us with a banner that says “I love you, Brandon Lerman!”. Seriously, these people. I looked down at the court and saw Brandon looking around. Maybe, he is searching for the source of the sound. Suddenly, his eyes met mine and he smiled. I blushed. Oh my gosh, why does he have to smile like that. As if my heart could not contain any more surprises, he winked at me. What is he doing?

“Did Brandon Lerman just wink at me?” a girl in front of me squealed. This girl is delusional, I’m telling you. Gosh, why am I even thinking about it like a jealous girlfriend. Hold on, hold on. I didn’t just say that.

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