4: The Thesis Partner

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A week had passed since my arrival. Today, we are waiting for Ms. Vatela to announce our thesis partners. You read it right... thesis partners. At first, we all protested because all along, we thought that we will work in a group, not in pairs. But Ms. Vatela informed us that she is tired of social loafing.

She then went on to explain that the probability of social loafing is higher in a group work compared to a pair work. According to her, nothing can and will change her mind of her decision.  A lot of groans and disapproval could be heard after her explanation. I could not agree more with my classmates. 

“Okay class, are you ready to meet your partners?” Ms. Vatela suddenly breaks the silence.

How about, no?” I said in my head.

“Alexa and Fleur....” she started. Good for Fleur, she got a decent partner. Besides, Fleur is close with Alexa so I don’t see any problem regarding them being partners.

“Krissy and Brenda.....” Ms. Vatela called next. Brenda is a quiet but very smart student in our class. Good for Krissy. The next to be paired off were Dixie and Mica, followed by Wilson and Ella. So far, the pairings were good. I hope I get a pretty decent partner too.

Then I heard Ms. Vatela called Brandon’s name. I hope she does not mention my name. I had my fingers crossed and eyes closed.

I felt Jules nudged me with his elbow so I snapped my eyes open and glared at him. He pointed at Ms. Vatela and when I looked up, I saw that Ms. Vatela and the whole class were looking at me.

“As I was saying, Angie and Brandon will be thesis partners” I heard Ms. Vatela say.

Tell me I am dreaming. When I looked at my so-called “thesis partner” I saw him reading a book as if nothing happened. I officially hate my life, now.

“Are you sleeping just a while ago? I never expect to see the day when Angela Larson slept at class. That was new,” my annoying seatmate told me chuckling.

“I was not sleeping, you jerk!” I snapped at him.

“Are you sure? Your eyes were shut when Ms. Vatela was calling your name. Not just once, but four times! If it hadn’t for me, you would probably be snoring,” he told me.

Seriously?! Gosh, that was embarrassing. Since I’m not in the mood to argue with Jules, I just nod at whatever he was saying.

After Ms. Vatela has revealed all the pairings, she instructed us to sit beside our “partners” and talk about the topic that we would like to work on.

I made no effort to move and go to Brandon and I’m sure that he thought the same thing. But before I knew it, I felt someone sit beside me. When I look beside me, I saw that it was him.

“Hey, so we’re partners huh?” he told me.

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