6: The Slip-of-the-tongue confession

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Three months have passed since we, or I for that matter, made our deal. He has not admitted that we’re friends but believe it or not, Brandon and I became civil buddies. We still bicker and glared at each other at times but it became less frequent compared to before.

He even makes it a point to text me about our homeworks. Since we practically have the same class and electives, he told me that it’s best if we would remind each other about our requirements and exams. We’re close like that.

Every day, I would annoy him with my incessant begging to admit that we’re already friends. He would just give me a look that says “are you crazy?!”. 

Sometimes I’m at the verge of giving up. It seems like I’ve came across the point of no return. What is so hard about admitting that we are friends? I can’t believe that I’m wasting all my efforts to him. Good thing, Jamaica dumped him. I cannot stand his personality.

Because of our thesis, we’re always seen together in the library, in the classroom or even in the cafeteria. Some of our classmates even speculated that we’re dating. While others believe that we’re already in a relationship. Even my bestfriends keep pestering me about it.

Oh please. If only they knew. We can’t even be friends, and they are expecting us to be a romantic couple. Are they delusional?!

But to be honest, I’m getting uncomfortable about it. What if Paulo believed the rumours?! That can’t be! I also noticed that nowadays, I keep receiving cold stares from different girls. I rolled my eyes. Maybe they are part of Brandon’s fans club.

One day, I was walking to the library when I heard someone say something that I didn’t quite catch. It sounded like “lot”. I turned around to the direction of the voice and saw Jamaica with her friends. What caught me off guard is the fact that they were giving me cold stares.

“The slut also had the guts to stare at us,” one of Jamaica’s friends said before they turned their back at me and walked away.  

Are they referring to me? But before I confront them, I heard Brandon called my name from inside the library. I looked at him and he just gave me a stare that says “don’t ever think about it”. 

I just couldn’t take it anymore so when I got inside I immediately told Brandon that maybe it’s best if we stay apart for a while. He stared at me as if I’m a ghost.

“Come on. Just to stop the rumors,” I told him.

He just told me to ignore it.

“But it’s getting bothersome! I could stand the shooting daggers the girls throw at my direction whenever I’m with you but when I hear them calling me insulting names, I could not allow it!” I yelled at him.

I heard the bell rang. I looked at the librarian and she was holding a sign that says “KEEP QUIET!”. Gosh.

“Just ignore them, Angela. They’re just jealous because they can’t come closer to me like you do,” he told me, clearly annoyed after so much insistence in my part.

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