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Path walkers have two kinds of stable paths. A pleasant path that leads to the future with satisfaction. An unwelcome path that draws the person to an unwanted end (even with attempts to ask for help or protection).

Path walkers can also have unstable paths. A future of tumultuous dialogs and torrents of future visions. Those afflicted are often too distracted to lead normal lives.

There is hope. The future can become stable.

Among the six women that are with Baecrush, one is a tortured path walker.

Half the team cares for her most days.

About an hour after Baecrush and the young man (Bae) go to the other side of the large pillar; she shudders.

That is not unusual for her. This time, unlike the others times, she speaks in smooth voice "The Path. It is clear. It is now one path."

The other women encourage her to take a nap. The dreams of path walkers can be disrupted by unclear paths. She should try to sleep and enjoy something she had never had.

To sleep without a constant din and noise of conflicting experience.

The five women lay warm hands on her neck and back. Circled around to offer all their laps.

The perspective pulls back.

These six women stay a Pinnacle all their lives and help in caring for the children.

Living without children of their own before passing, so the six children of Baecrush are not a burden on the population.

They take joy in doing something good and occasionally enjoy the nice things available within 'Demonstration and Training'.

On a nice spring day, about a decade after the sixth child (Destiny) was born, Baecrush and the family leaves Pinnacle toward 'sun goes down'.

The six women of the support team live their lives at or nearby Pinnacle. It is a very long time until any others visit the place.

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