"A Goddesses' Hand (Part 3)"

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The man in tent wakes up and considers his strange day. It was a simple errand. Pick up something his mother wanted for an upcoming celebration.

He was confused by the trail and then by the stars. Only to chase his camel into the storm and find a daughter of the gods.

Tall (taller than any woman he knows of), youthful, full of strength (more obvious muscle than any woman he had ever imagined).

She is asleep like a child, clutching the sword.

There is very little cause to think she is a goddess herself. She has the human shyness.

But how did she get here? It makes no sense. Her words make no sense though they are a melody to listen to.

I hear the sound of a strange camel. The woman is startled awake as I look out the tent.

I must have really gotten off course yesterday. It is a team of men from the other protectorate. I must have passed over the border in the sandstorm.

A single camel with an experienced leader seated. Four men are armed and ready.

I lead the woman outside after making sure the cloak fully covers her.

She lets me take the sword.

A present us both to their mercy and signify my surrender by driving the sword into the sand at our feet.

Their words are surprising and funny. "No No this is no man or tall boy. She is a woman. He turns the cloak to expose just a little of her face and slips slightly in loose sand.

One of the four men reacts with an arrow that strikes him in the shoulder. He goes unconscious right there and then.

The men exchange words. Rebukes for firing an arrow. Discussing the odd situation of the 'boy' in the cloak.

She drops the cloak. The talking stops. Definitely not a boy.

She leans down with a frown and a glare to pick up the curved sword that had been sunk into the sand.

When she straightens up a chill runs down the spines of those men.

Never was a young woman so tall and strong looking. Rarely did any woman pickup a long sharp weapon.

Never did they see the face of someone so measured in an unfamiliar expression.

She was ready to kill.

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