"Change Can Be Good"

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The angel wrapped up the vampire girl, who had bright red areas deep in her translucent body.

They vanished from the room like a gravitational point singularity had collapsed there.

The Mew-Witch and Succubae Queen stood still for a while.

The queen runs her hand over the Mew-Witch's head.

"You know that angel and I have means of talking that others do not hear. We can have long conversations.

I am obligated now. To consider how you have been doing.

You are a skilled medical practitioner. There were tools here you could have used instead.

Instead, you acted in haste. Performing an urgent task with your own hands.

Using your own internal life force to magically achieve the stability.

It made you tired. It could have led to bad decisions.

I know how fully you accept my leadership.

I want you to remove the transformational kitten effects on yourself. It brings you bad memories.

Take a couple of days to reduce those features, then take the rest of the week creating a new more professional look.

Either Doctor woman or Nurse Practitioner, or both as you chose. You are qualified as either.

I will expect a fashion show a week from now in my royal hall.

And do not be fearful. I will still rub your head after you make those changes."

Kitten girl looks up to the queen without fear or concern. She herself had never been interested in pet relationships, but she could simply rest with the queen. She never failed to keep her word.

Looking down the Mew-Witch thinks about white moon boots (with soft fabric hidden inner lining). Easy to clean, and easy on the feet. That should be the foundation for her new wardrobe. They are doing some interesting things with magic medicinal symbols these days too.

The queen gives her a hug and heads back to the royal hall.

She is not worried about the translucent girl the angel took. It can simply be hard, not knowing for sure.

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