"A Goddesses' Hand (Part 2)"

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The young woman was staring at a Goddess. Words were spoken.

Then she is standing and being pelted by sand. Like when a fierce wind rips along the shore.

This place smells very different and there is no sound of shore or waves at all.

It is dark, and it smells bad. She does not understand where she is.

The sound of a braying grunt directs her attention. A tall fuzzy creature (like a horse but without hooves) walks quickly to one side.

A man wearing a long cloak chases the animal, but then looks towards me.

Still. Both of us. Motionless in the storm of sands and with a pack animal wandering around in confusion.

He goes and drives for the animals lead. He comes and stands again for a long time.

Eventually handing me his cloak.

He takes me to a tent with unusual pillows.

His words are odd and fast (unintelligible).

In time, he accepts. His words mean nothing to me.

He hands me a long sword that has an odd curve (not like our swords or knives).

I get the message. We will stay on the opposite sides of the tent. If I suspect him, I have the sword.

Heavy winds flap the tent. I stay to corner holding the sword; he snoozes.

I know I am in a very faraway place, and I have no one for protection now.

Hauntingly Beautiful Girlsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें