"It Is Official"

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It is easy to see the path we are following. A well-travelled area in desert sand.

It takes both of us to a small area. A tall, stylish portico with ten columns. A small structure of thick wire (looking like the saddest present tree weeks after presents are unwrapped). A tall flat rock with a sheet of glass.

He walks me into the portico. The floor has lines going to each other column. It means there are two pentagons/pentagrams and many other polygonal shapes. The floor lines actually light up when we enter.

We stand looking at each other. "This is when you would name obligations onto me as head of household. Since you named no conditions, it may prevent me from accepting them."

I ask what the next steps would be. What comes next to make it official?

"You stood on the cloth when I stood. You took my hand. Witnesses were present. Did you change your mind?"

So I really confront the situation. I just got married.

He keeps his eyes to the floor, but I draw near and hold on to his left hand again. That gets me a smile from his face slightly turned away.

So, what is this place? "This is the noble realm. Just outside the boundary of that place, Civilization's Edge."

A place in the desert. A building (portico) with no walls. It sinks in. This is the full extent of the noble holdings.

What shall we do next?

His eyes turn an odd color for a brief second, and he leads me to the glass at the rock.

When his eyes clear, I ask. What is this?

"We are visiting my departed parents, who have left the world."

In the glass, I see the backs of two people holding hands.

It is really quite life like. A wonderful tribute.

But I did not expect what happen next. The woman turned around in the glass and said "So this is the new head of household? Looks like that loser, the fox."

I blurt out my name 'Lauren Cooper, but what is this?'

The woman says "This door leads off this plane of existence. The exit has a time dilation, so we will walk out for a long time. We are not coming back. You are on your own."

The way she says the next word "Son". It is like concrete jackhammers are hitting her diaphragm.

"Son, take her and show her the martial intimacy instructions!"

His eyes do that odd color thing, and he drags me back the portico.

I feel that I am really going find myself annoyed at the in-laws.

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