Protective mode

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Just as he was about to enter their room, I called him. He looked at me with an emotionless face and I sighed. "Come here" she ordered and if she had been other person, I'd surely hex them.

I went to the fireplace with him and sit down on his couch. He stood near the fire and sighed. "What is it?" he seemed exhausted. "I-uh...Thank you" I said and he study my face for a while and he simply said "That's what boyfriends do, save the day." He smile genuinely.

"Are you telling your brother?" he asked and I shook his head. "He knows, through legiments" I said through gritted teeth, I don't want Orion to know this incident.

"Okay I guess this is goodnight" I said and kiss his cheeks, catching him off guard. I stopped in front of our room and looked back, he still didn't move. Did I overdid it?

"Tom?" I called and he turned back, with a grin. I blew a kiss towards him and he pretend to catch it and press his hand on his chest and I giggled. I like him, a lot.

When I was about to sleep, Orion mind link me through our link. Father help us made this link for our safety now it starts bothering me. I went out to the common room and was greeted by the smell of hot chocolate.

Orion was sitting in front of the fire and was holding a blanket and have two hot chocolates in a table nearby. I sat beside him and looked at the fireplace. I don't want him interrogating me.

"Are you that scared?" he asked as he bear hugged me, it is warm. "Very" I said still not taking my eyes off the fire. "Are we telling mom and dad?" he asked again and I shook my head.

"We'll have to explain why we are there and it would cause trouble for Tom" I said and he smirk. "So you love him that much?" he asked again and I almost want to puke at his words.

"Just trying to protect my boyfriend." I said and yawn, I lay my head on his shoulder and he replied sleepily "You sure love him." With thet the room was silent. The next morning I woke up, I was lying on the couch and Orion was nowhere in sight.

Orion's POV

Only once did my sister act like that, when I was crucio. My parents are not the best parents but they care for her a lot. When I was 9, I was crucio twice in one night.

That night I was unable to sleep and throw a tantrum in midnight causing all to wake up and father being the impatient man he is threw the curse at me once and when he was about to leave my room, I cried again. So the crucio me a little longer than the first time.

When I came to my senses, she was lying on the floor and I was too tired and in pain to help her, also father is screaming. She was a mess, her hair are untameable and are rising up and I wonder what might have happened to her.

When a physician came over, I was listening to my parent's conversation with her and she said that she has some troubling with abusing and violence and recommend that my parents do not beat us unless it is necessary.

I guess we are lucky because Lesttrange, Nott and Rosier does not have the same fate and are beaten up until they agree to whatever their parents say. Until last night. She must be really scared, the only time she freeze was when she saw my father abusing me and that doesn't end well. She was out for two days.

I swear that I will protect her and it's my duty she stay safe. My parents decided that she would marry Malfoy as soon as the boy got a job, which wouldn't be long. Abraxas' family has been serving the ministry for a long time and are in good status inside the ministry and I'm sure it'll be the same for him.

I was also engaged to Walburga when I was 10, at that time she was 9 and we both are still very young. I can't believe they did that to me, I hope I won't be like my parents when I have a kid, I mean I'd want to know their opinion on their fiancée.

Ever since the incident, I stick with her and went everywhere with her. I even sleep with her in the girls' dorm which I didn't really care. The only time I leave her alone was when she went to bathroom, toilet and when she wants to change.

She was doing good after a week, she no longer scream or hae nightmares and woke me up late at night. I guess I have to sleep on my own bed from tonight. The boys want to have a secret party as my comeback, they seemed to miss me a lot.


You might find some things very cringy and cheesy but hey it's 13 year old me and I want to know if anyone of you are a fan of Ed Sheeran.

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