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Orion's POV

I peeped on the room and saw what the two are doing, I can't help but smile.

Tom was well erm—kissing my sister and I couldn't help but feel proud.

Then I heard mom calling us and as a reflex, I jump into the room.

My sister shriek loudly and the two jump away from each other.

They're only 11 for Merlin's sake!

"Don't worry lovebirds. I won't tell a soul. By the way, mom call us, to the living room." I said and Calisee rushed out of her room as Tom and I followed her down.

On our way I spoke, "Nice try" but I later regretted it.

"Your sister definitely like me" he said and smirk. I relaxed a bit and said "She does, my lord"

She does like him, a lot if I might be truthful.

We are welcomed by father and mother, both weren't there when we reached home.

We did some introductions as I told them that Tom has been the best student from our class. He is favoured by all the professors and gave them reports of our well being and of our academic report.

We then have a nice meal and went to sleep.

The best thing here in the mansion is the sleep. We also have a big tapestry in one room which our ancestors made and that is very interesting for Calisee.

It is like a tree and dated back to our very first ancestors. The first Blacks. However, it's just a tapestry and I found no intersting thing from it.


Tom's POV

I woke up.

It's Christmas morning and I hate it, I hate Christmas because it is a stupid muggle celebration.

Where families bought gifts for each other. The orphanage always have us a pair of mismatched socks for our Christmas present.

When I was about to drift into another sleep again Calisee and Orion rushed into my room and started a pillow fight, both are such a child at times.

We went down and the first thing I saw was the big Christmas tree and Mr and Mrs. Black sitting on the living room having tea.

The man was also reading a copy of The Daily Prophet.

Under the tree was loads of presents. The twin rushed to it and ripped open the presents.

"Come and open yours" Calisee motioned me to go and I stood still.

I recieved a present?

"Tom, I noticed that there are many for you" Mrs. Black said with a smile.

I walk shyly yet confident, is that even possible?

I sat down beside them and Calisee shove some presents to my side.

I count the presents and it was exactly 13. I got 13 presents!

This feels like a dream, but it wasn't.

The future Voldemort do not live like this. I said to myself.

The Black family has a big party on their ball room that night and all pureblood families are invited. 

I then saw the Malfoys arrived and I frowned.

I learnt that the Malfoys and the Blacks share a prestigious position in the sacred 28 and in the pureblood society.

They are powerful and feared.

Just as Malfoy was about to say something to me, all attention was turned to the stairs and when I looked up I saw her walking down, surely she's only 11 but she is a beauty.

She wore an ankle length blue dress.

There are pearls on the chest and waist region and the sapphire she wore on her ears and neck makes her look like a little lady.

She has her hair in a loose bun and a small blue butterfly pin rested on her hair.

She wear heels and it makes her look taller, frankly she isn't tall.

When she looked down she trapped my eyes and motioned me to go to her.

I took her hands and complimented her and she giggle, it sounded like the angels themselves are singing.

Though I never heard an angel singing but it surely would sound like her laugh.

We danced in the hall along with others and I stare at Malfoy who looked bored listening to Parkinson's bragging.

I smirk and enjoy my time.

We dance together for some time till Mr. Malfoy Sr ask her to dance.

We then sleep soundly after the party in our own room.

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