Hogwarts Letter

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Mom greeted me with a smile as I sat down next to father.

I felt sorry for Nancy who might receive angry shouts from my twin. He isn't exactly a morning person.

The breakfast was quiet. After it, we went to the living room.

Dad sat on his usual armchair and mom stood beside him, the two looked very serious. I sat on the couch nervously, with my twin beside me.

The seriousness on the witch and wizard's face is unmistakable, which makes me nervous. It makes me think that we did something wrong last night.

Merlin! I have to tell my little invitation from Malfoy and get their permission.

"Well children, seems like we are accepted into Hogwarts" he said trying to sound interested, but failed.

He is a...well let me say, he is someone who isn't good at showing emotions.

I squeaked and jumped up and down on the couch with Orion until mom said "Calisadora, Orion! Manners!"

We stopped jumping and get down but dad said "Melania love, they're just excited" he said and winked at us.

But mom said "But Arcturus love, she's a lady and she-" I cut her off by saying "Ma.... Can we go to Diagon Alley to buy school stuffs, Abraxas will be there too.

Please, please, please............" I pleaded with puppy eyes.

My mother's eyes twinkled while dad asked "Okay okay dear. When are we going to meet your sweetheart?"  and I blushed.

"At 12 in Madam Malkin's" I said and giggle.

Diagon Alley

At noon, I- I mean we, me, Orion, mom, dad, aunt Irma and Walburga went to Diagon Alley from our mansion through floo powder.

The streets are lively and colourful. Must be because of all the school opening.

We then meet the Malfoys and together in our groups we all went inside the robe shop.

We children get ourselves measured. The adults gave us our money for our new pets while they went to get our books.

When we enter the pet store I heard someone saying something about us. I know he is talking about us because it is only us four who enter the shop at that time.

"Oh not again, another rich brats. Ooooooh some kids they are, look at that one, the one with black hair and blue robes" the voice said and I knew it was me and I was amazed that someone criticised me this loud in public.

I was mad. "Look at her money, an old money rich, huh?" it says again and I was beyond irritated.

However as I approach a small snowy owl the voice became louder, "Yes come to me little one and take me away from these creatures" it screech.

As you approach the owl the shopkeeper stopped you "Miss I am afraid you can't buy this owl. It has been very wild and kill other pets here and tends to harm anyone who goes close to it" he said.

I ignored his comments and open it's cage, it flew around the shop and land on my shoulder and the shopkeeper looked at me in awe.

"That was fantastic!" he said and I nod my head in response.

"How much for Snow?" I asked and he looked at me, amazed again.

"I'll take three galleons" he said and I smiled at him handing him ten. I went out and meet Orion with his owl, which he named Del.

We get our wands with our parents and went home. Ollivander is a strange man, though, I like him.

I got a 12 inches long wand with unicorn hair and Mahogany while Orion's is redwood with Phoenix feather as it's core.

Our parents apparated us home, after we bid the Malfoys goodbyes. It was fun and I can't wait to go to Hogwarts. 


Yeah I know the chapters are short but there is nothing I can do. I am too lazy to edit and lengthen what I have made.

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