7. getting help

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I get up and walks around the room. This is so scary, I can't die? Jeff comes to me and puts his hands on my shoulders.

" Its okay love bug. We can get threw this together." Him saying this kinda ticked me off. 'We can' no I don't want him I want hunter! "What are you thinking about love?" He said kissing my forehead.

" Don't touch me. Don't call me that. There is no we. There never will be because I hate you." I said pushing him away from me. I can't believe my teacher is a vampire. I walked to the kitchen mad I need something into protect myself with. He walks in the kitchen right be hind me, I go threw the draws and the cabinets and there is not one sharp object..

"Cleaned it out last night." He came and twirls me to him. "Why are you so stubborn? Your mother isn't." He knows my mother!

"How do you know my mother?"

"People.. I guess you get it from your father."

"Don't talk about my father. Got it?"

"Oh I'm so scared my love has a mouth." I push him a way from me and up to the room I stayed in. I go threw the draws but there isn't anything that could possibly fit me.

"I need clothes."


"Umm wore these yesterday. Guess you have to take me home."

"No I don't." He comes and pulls my keys out of my pocket also grabbing a shirt from the draw. "I also have some things to do so I'll be back later."

"Your just going to leave me here!?"

"Yes!" With that said I was left here alone. I look around the house there is this one room that is locked. What's in there? I feel the top of the door and there is a key. Putting it in I open the door to a office! A computer and a phone! I run to the phone and dial hunter.

Were sorry the person you are trying to reach can not talk right now please leave a message for hunter James. When you are ready push one.

I pushed one.

"Hunter! Its me Jessi. I was kidnapped by Mr Buttle! I don't know were I am but it must be his house.. please help. Don't call back he will answer it... I love you hunter James.." I end the call. What if I never see him again? Will that be the the last message he gets from me? I call other people but no one answers. I glance around the room and see a picture. It is a man and Jeff. The man looks like me, I take the picture out if the frame and on the back is said:

Jeff hope to see you again. Its hard coming back and not seeing my daughter and wife.I love them dearly. One day maybe I will see them again but watch over Jessica Lee and Mary for me.
              Phille hall.   (224) 812-4579

I pick up the phone and dial that number. It is my dad! I need him, hopefully hell help me..

Ring ring rin-

"Hello Jeff what's do you need?"

Hearing his voice I can just imaging how he is talking and looks.

"Jeff you there?"

"Daddy?" The line was quite.

" Jessica Lee? Is that you?" I smiled that he knows its me.

"Yes daddy. I need your help. I dont have long but Jeff kidnapped me. He won't let me go home and he's a-"

Just then a angry Jeff walked into the room. I dropped the phone and backed up.

"Jessica! Jessica! Answer me are you okay!?" My father screamed over the phone. Jeff looked at me and grabbed the phone.

"Who is this?

Oh hello sir.

No she's fine.

She's just like you sir.

Except she has her mothers hair.

Well, I was her teacher and one night she was at a party and..

Let me finish

Some guy hurt her..

No.. he got her drunk and

Yes sir.

He is taken care of.

Sir I love her, I saw it."

I picked up a book and threw it at him. He just laughed.

"Yes sir.

Do you want to talk to her?

I will let her know." Those last few words made my hart brake. He didn't want to talk to me. I broke down on my knees crying and Jeff came and hugged me until I stopped..




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