13 run

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We get in to the white van... Tipical...

The girl is a freshmen at the high school i went to and i seen the picture Hunter had and i seen her around school. shes a very smart girl and is very loving. Shes in the Photography club, yearbook, drama, she plays in soccer sweeties at the school and she also did pageants when she was young. Shes outstanding and she volunteers at the children hospital down town.

"hunter.. Please leave Sofie alone. She helped US both of us." I said trying to resin with him. Its true one time me and Hunter were in a huge fight and Sofie helped us not break up.

Hunter turned and lioked at me with sorrow and regret? Really? Now hes sorry and regrets this?

"Hunter, there she is." Victor said pointing to Sofie walking kids across the street. Shes an angle and these demons are about to snach her up. "now we practice this. Tell her how much you miss Jessica and ask her if you guys can talk about it over a cup of coffee. Got it?"

"got it.." Hunter said getting out of the car. I have to do something. I see a silver metal rope, taking it in both hands, i rap it around Victors neck. He stops struggle after a few minutes and Hunter and Sofie are coming. I jump out of the front and run around the car and pull Sofie away from Hunters grasp. She looks at me with confusion.

"Jess?" She said and  eyes went red. I do a weird kick thing i seen on tv before. I hit Hunters chin sending him flying threw the air. I grab Sofies arm and run.

"run Sofie!" I scream.




Thats all we will do until we find Jeff..






So guys did you like? Thats Sofie at the top. Isnt she pretty? Lol tell me if you like :)
. Send me a cover! And you will be a character!

Xoxo ~ Tia

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