24 the other world

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We went down to the basement with the snap balls in our hands and wait till it's midnight. Midnight is the best for traveling from this world to the next. Less people are taking it so we can get there faster.

"Okay guys. I don't know what's in that world so be careful. It's dangerous and they will kill you with out a blink of an eye. It's also the vampire world so Jess you need to wear this." Blue hands me a beautiful pearl necklace. "It will cover up your smell of an eternal. I smelled you before you stepped foot on my land. " I nodded my head and put the necklace on. I put it in my shirt to cover it up.

"It's almost time..." Sofie said coming up to me and hugging me. "Promise you will come back?" She said nodding her head. Over these past few weeks we have gotten close. She's like a little sister and I love her. The sister I never had.

"Promise" I smiled at her and went to the middle of the room along with hunter. "Ready? " I asked hunter he held my hand and smile.

"Yea. Let's do this. " We placed the balls on the floor and crushed them and to portals pop up. We walk threw and see all sorts of colors along with other people traveling.

It's been what feels like hours. We are sitting on some type of two person seat.

"We are here" Hunter said smiling. I looked up to see two big doors and a sign saying 'vampire world' I sigh and stand up and waiting for the seats to stop moving. We step off and I look down to see I am wearing a black jumper suit, red high heels and a red leather jacket. I look over to see Hunter wearing black dress pants and a black button up with his sleeves rumpled up to his elbows.

"This is weird. " I say looking for our things. "Where's our stuff??"
A random guy comes up to us.

"First time traveling??" We nod. Is it that obvious? "They disappear and when you go back, you get them back. " He said with a smile and walked away.

"That was nice" I tell Hunter, he roles his eyes and heads to the door.

" Ready?" He asked me

"Ready as I'll ever be.." I said and with that we go in the gigantic doors.


Jesses jumper!!!! 👍🙌☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️👆👆👆👆👆👆👆🙌👆👆👆👆

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