3 "Owww!"

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" Im telling you his eyes were red as in blood red. Not as in he hasn't slept but the color. Hunter... Hunter?HUNTER!" I scream his last name as we climb into his car.

"Hmm? Yes i know you have told me all day." He said putting on his seat belt.

"you don't believe me.. Do you?" I said looking at him. He wont look me in the eyes...

" Well.. No i don't.. But you said you saw it with your own eyes so i have to. I don't think you would lie about this but its a hard story to believe Jess" i knew it. It was quit the hole way to pipers piercings. We get there and Hunter comes up to me.

"i love you."

"Mhm" i say walking past him going into pipers. "can i have the paper? I want to get this over with." I say holding my hand out. He shakes his head and pulled me in for a hug. I hug him lightly and grab the paper from his back pocket.

"are you mad babe?" He said worried sounding. He should be.

"nope." I said walking up to the counter to see piper her self! Piper is drop dead gorgeous. People say we look some what the same but i dont see it. She has blonde hair to her hip and blue eyes. Not your normal piecing store owner.

"heyy guyzzz!" She.said with a big smile. I always loved piper. Shes always so happy, but there was a time were she wasnt and that was when here boyfriend died. He died a hero though and she said that thats what keeps her going. He was in a gas station when some guys tried to rob it. A little girl around 3 got in there way and he jumped in front of her saving her life.

"hey i want my belly button and tops of my ears pierced." I say giving her a smile. "i have a free piercing slip too." I tell her

"awesome! Okay right this way Jessi" me and piper know each other. She watched me when i was like 3, well it was more her mom.

I lay down on the bench hand pull my shirt above my belly button. She gets the needle ready and she does her thing. It hurt but it is soo worth it. I look down and see that its bleeding. Shes cleaning it up when the bell above the door. I look to see who and it was Mr. Butt. He looks like hes sniffing the air and then he turns to where i was. His eyes go big...

"c-can we go H-Hunter..." I said with out breaking eye contact with Mr. butt

"are you kidding? Wr are getting your ears now and..." He was talking i zoned out just staring at Mr. butts eyes. They were a dark red. It scared me he smiled when he realized that i was scared. All of the sudden i feel a horrible pain in my ears

"OWW!" I scream and i looked at piper and to Hunter. Piper imminently put a tissue on my ear after putting in the ear ring. I then looked at Hunter and he was smiling down at me. "That hurt.." I said putting my hand to my ear.

"its going to hurt for a while." Piper said laughing with Hunter. "Come to the counter so i can give you the right stuff to.clean it with." She said taking my hand. I went with her and Mr. but was gone, thank God. Piper gave me the stuff and we were on our way, bit then i realized that there was a party coming up and i should probably get something to wear.

I believe its tonight...

We left the store and headed to the mall. I told Hunter i would be shopping for something to wear tonight. He went to game stop and i went in one of the girl stores. I was looking threw one of the racks when someone said my name in a hushed tone. I turn to see who it was and it was the devil...

Mr. butt.....

Hey hoped you like :) thats piper at the top :)

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