23 jeff

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•••• Jeff •••

They had her.

I got her.

He took her away from me.

That kid!!! He took my love!! She is mine!! My brother just had to say something, I was so close to taking her back home were she belongs. With me in my arms in my house.

Hunter took her and Sofie when victor and I were in an argument.

" You IDIOT!!" I scream at my brother. "Look what you did!" He sat there with a smirk on his face. "she was my love! My love victor!!" I said hitting the wall with my fist.

" Jeff, your sick, your love died. Along with mine and our family." He said as calm as he could. He sat down in the dark brown wooden chair.

"NO!! She's not!! Jess is my love! And that hunter kid is.. Is.. Putting her under some spell!"

"No Jeff you are SICK!! She's gone Jeff.." He said looking down at his hands. " It's hard for me too. I miss Kia more than anything. " He told me. Before I could kill him, I walked out of the kitchen and punched the wall.

••2 weeks later ••

It's been two weeks and I still can't find her. We're could she have gone to make me not be able to even find her. She found out how to block me out of her mind. It's driving me crazy!! I have to go and find her. Today. I packed my bag and head down stairs. When I get down there I see my brother, piper, and jesses dad.

" Hey guys. I'll see y'all later. " I said with a smile.

"Jeff... we need to talk. " Jess's dad said standing up.

"What about,sir?" I said walking in the living room taking a seat.

"About Jess. She already has a blood mate. You put her under a spell making her not not know Hunter! I, as her father, forbid you from ever seeing her!" He said. What are they talking about?! I am her blood mate! And we love each other and hunter kidnapped her!

"You need help, Jeff. We will help you and get some professional help. " Piper said. I stood up and went back to the door. But then a hand grabbed my arm pulling me back. I look to see victor. I push him back nod throw a punch at his face and hitting him in the jaw. Jess's dad came running to us and try to pull me off of victor. I push I'm into a glass table making him hit his head on the wall too.

"Jeff!" Piper screamed. She jumps on my back and puts her hands on my face. I hit her against the wall making her let go of my head and skidding down the wall. "Jeff, leave her alone. " She said coughing up vampire blood.

"She is MINE!! " I scream in her face and run to my car.

I. Will. Find. You. Jess.

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