12 keep this on

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I let out a Shrek and fall to the floor holding my neck. It hurts so bad. When jeff bit me it felt like a pinch, but when hunter bit me it was worse then a punch to the face. I look up to see hunters dark red eyes. He had a smile on his face as he bent down to eye level and took my free hand and slips a silver and gold bracelet and it tightens to fit  tight on my wrist. I pull away immediately.

"hunter.." I said in sobs i was pulling on the bracelet trying to take it off.

"keep this on." He told me and cupped me cheek. I turn the other way and not look at him.

"what do you want Hunter? You known me for a long time you know i dont have money. Is that what you want? Money?" I said. He stood up and shook his head.

"sweetie, sweetie. You are an eternal. I get what evwr i want in the vampire worl with you. There are only 3 in the world. You, your father and another girl thats 16, we will be picking her up on our way."

"no, hunter!.you cant kidnap the.poor thing!" I scream as he walks down the hall away from me.

"whos going to stop me Jess? Victor isnt going to. Hes helping me, and your just a pathetic human." He told me i.wanted to tell him off but i couldnt. I loved him we were together for a very long time. I thought he was the one, but no i was wrong..

"lets get going! Shes getting out of school  about now!" A voice screamed, witch im guessing is Victor. They are going to.go gdt her now? "Hunter, shell get home before we can get her! Now!" He boomed

"okay lets go. Do you have the other bracelet?"

"yes, yes lets go now."


€ hope you all liked it! Please tell me what.you think!


vampire teacherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora