Chapter 21 - the end

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A couple months later...

The day of the marriage was a bright day. The weather matched the greatness of the event that was about to happen. The sun shone beautifully and the greeness of the leaves and the purple of the flowers seemed to shine like never before, like it was just for this moment, all for them...

The wedding was going to take place in a mansion. Everyone had gathered together in the hall, familiar faces filling each of the seats. Zak was watching over the crowd, his heart filled with love for each of these people and he happily smiled to himself.  Soft music started playing and Darryl showed up down the hall. He was walking slowly, his mother beside him. His smile lit up the whole room and his green eyes were filled with so much compassion. He was watching Zak carefully, giving him that special smile that was only meant for him. 

He eventually got up to Zak and grabbed both of his hands. They got completely lost in each other's eyes. Vows were exchanged and in those moments it felt like nothing else existed in the world but them. A moment full of magic and pure passion. 

After the  ceremony itself, everyone was going to celebrate the newlywed couple in the huge mansion that they were in. Foods and drinks would be served and they would party and enjoy themselves for this amazing night.

The guests began to disperse to take a look around the mansion itself and then eventually head down to the dining hall. The wedding hall was getting really empty, but one person still remained in the very back, in the corner of one of the benches. She shifted uncomfortably, and tensely stared down at the ground. It was almost as if she was trying to hide a little.

Zak smiled to himself, he had been very surprised by her arrival but he was so happy that she had actually come. Everything felt right now. However, he did feel a little nervous about talking to her again. He gently took hold of Darryl's hand and squeezed it in his. Darryl looked at Zak's mother and then smiled encouragingly at Zak.

"This is going to be fine, I'm here," Darryl whispered into his hair, giving him a light kiss on the top of his head.

They walked slowly towards the mother and Zak cleared his throat loudly. His mother looked up at him with eyes full of worry and regret.

"I have been a terrible mother for not accepting you for who you are. You're happier than ever before and I've realized I don't want to ruin this for you. I was wrong, I know it and I am so incredibly sorry. " his mother said with a quiet and sad voice. Zak frowned slightly and opened his mouth to say something, but his mother interrupted him.

"I know you probably don't want me here, I'll leave now, remember that I love you and that I'm sorry." His mother slowly got up and begin to move towards the exit. Zak, however, grabbed her arm before she got too far.

"Hey, it's okay mom, we all make mistakes. It means so much to me that you came here today. Please stay and enjoy the food, I love you too." Zak smiled reassuringly at his mother and Darryl caressed the back of his hand softly.

"You see? Things finally worked out " Darryl whispered, giving Zak a light kiss on the cheek. Zak turned towards Darryl and smiled warmly.

"I guess you were right this time, you idot" he giggled then adds "Thank you" and nestled his nose into Darryl's chest.

"Now we should go down and enjoy the party" Darryl suggested. Together they went downstairs, fingers interlaced, where the guests were waiting.

The party went on. Everyone seemed to have fun. They enjoyed the food and drink, danced and just talked to each other. The mood was high.

It was almost 7 in the morning when all the guests finally dispersed and the party was over. The dawn light was white and and soft and colored the world brightly. It had been a wonderful night.

Zak felt happier than he had ever felt before. He just felt crystal clear in his head, as if everything in the world fell into place. The whole night he had felt like he was flying. His steps had almost been bouncing off the ground, and the wide smile plastered on my face like it had always been there. His fingers were constantly interlaced with Darryl's like he would never let go. It was like for a moment he didn't remember the feeling of being tired or sad.

They stood outside together, holding hands tightly and watching the morning light fill the world. It felt almost unreal. The soft wind carressed their faces. 

"I guess this is the end then ..." Zak whispered quietly

"This isn't the end... this is the new beginning..." Darryl whispered back softly before pulling Zak in and kissing him passionately.

a new beginning...

A/N I have a headache. I have never written this many fanfiction chapters in one go. I want to die. Once again, thanks to those who actually cared. Hope this fanfic wasn't to terrible. Yeah, thanks for reading.

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