Chapter 15 - On youtube

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Zak slowly woke up. The sun was only starting rise and some sunbeams came in through their window and teased his eyes. Darryl still had his arms wrapped around the younger male and Zak smiled to himself, enjoying the warmth and comfort. He turned around to face Darryl, he was still asleep, his eyelids were gently shut and lips curved into a oblivious and dreamy smile. Zak tenderly stroked his cheek.

"You are really the most beautiful person I've ever met" Zak whispered into the silence of the morning.

The smile on Darryl's lips grew wider and his eyelids fluttered open, revealing his sparkling emerald green eyes.

"I love you, my muffin" he quietly said, cupping Zak's cheek and gently pecking his lips. Darryl continued, 

"Let's make ourselves some breakfast and after that we can start working on that coming out video... how does that sound to you?"

"Perfect" Zak replied and kissed Darryl's forehead before standing up and moving over to the kitchen.

They ended up making some scrambled egg and toast and started discussing over breakfast how they would make the video. They agreed on making a bullet point script for the video so that they didn't forget anything important. They cleaned up after breakfast and immediately got to work, a couple of hours went into producing that script but as 2pm approached both of them finally felt happy with it.

"Do you want to start recording it?" Darryl asked, putting a gentle hand on Zak's cheek. He had noticed that the younger had grown slightly nervous while they were writing the script.

"I'm okay, we can do it now, I just want to get this over with. The truth needs to finally be out there" Zak replied, trying to sound confident, but his voice was unmistakably shaky.

"As long as you're ready..." Darryl said, taking Zak's hand and caressing it in his. Zak nodded and smiled at him, so Darryl finally stood up to set up the recording equipment.

Many hours later they were finally done. They had to reshoot the video a couple of times, because of both of them messing up and stuttering, but now it was ready to upload. Zak had his mouse hovering over the upload button and swallowed nervously. This was truly a big moment, after this everything would change- his fandom and maybe his relation to other youtubers... Darryl kissed Zak's temple to let him know that he was there for him. Zak smiled slightly, we're in this together, as long as Darryl is with me, I will be fine, and with that he pressed "upload", putting the video out for thousands of people to see.

Neither of them dared to check the comments of the video, so after uploading it they simply shut down the computer and decided to make some dinner. They sat down quietly at the kitchen table, each of them deep in thought. The sun was already setting outside and a orangish glow filled the small kitchen, it had been a long day of writing and recording. Darryl phone went off, breaking the silence and signalling that he'd gotten a message. Surprise was painted on his face he picked it up and read.

"Zak?" he asked carefully, to gain the others attention. Zak set down his fork and looked up at Darryl.

"Mhm?" he replied.

"My parents messaged me just now... they saw our video and would like to meet you. How would feel about that?" Darryl stated, cautiously waiting for Zak reaction.

"Oh?" now it was Zak's turn to be surprised. He took a while to take in and consider Darryl's words before replying: "I guess I wouldn't mind"

Darryl smiled brightly at him, "I will tell them and then we can schedule some kind of meeting in the future"

"Sounds good" Zak nodded.

Darryl wrote the message before putting his phone down on the table again. Zak's hand was resting on the tabletop and Darryl reached out and put his hand over Zak's.

"You did good today muffin, I know this wasn't easy for you. I'm very proud of you" Darryl said, meeting his gaze and smiling.

"I know this wasn't easy for you either, yet through the whole process you were there to comfort me... thank you" Zak smiled back and squeezed Darryl's hand.

"I love you, muffin"

"I love you too"

"If I know what love is, it is because of you",  A Skephalo FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora