Chapter 19 - Christmas

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Zak stood in front of the mirror in their bedroom trying to fix his tie. Darryl walked up to Zak and wrapped his arms around him from behind, lightly kissing his cheek.

"You doing alright?" Darryl asked him and smiled. Zak spun around quickly and pecked Darryl's lips. He put a hand on Darryl's cheek.

"I'm doing much better when you're around" he giggled and booped Darryl's nose before adding:

"God, you're so handsome..." He eyed Darryl up and down. He was wearing black dress pants, a white shirt and a black tie. Darryl blushed as his statement, his cheeks colouring in a bright pink.

"You are too..." he said quietly. "Do you need help with you tie?"

"That would be nice, yes" Zak chuckled. Darryl fixed up his tie gently and patted Zak's cheek.

"There we go. Let's get going, shall we?" he said softly and grabbed Zak's hand. They grabbed the last of the stuff they needed- the gifts and a christmas cake made specifically for this occasion- before they sat down in their car and started driving towards Darryl's parent's house. The ride was quiet once again, but it was a thoughtful and happy silence. Smiles played on both their lips and they felt excited for the evening. They pulled up on the driveway of the house and Darryl leaned in to kiss Zak sweetly on the lips before getting out of the car.

It was Darryl's mother who opened the door once again and it was with one of the brightest smiles they'd ever seen. She was wearing a dark red dress, and her strawberry blond hair was put into a bun.

"It's so nice to see you two again!" she exclaimed happily and pulled them both into a tight hug. "Come inside! Your cousins are already here, Darryl." she said, taking a step back to make way for them to come in.

The walked into the living room, hands intertwined, and Zak got introduced to the rest of Darryl's family. Darryl's cousins turned out to be very nice people. They sat down to eat dinner and the conversations luckily had a good flow. The time seemed to just fly away and before they knew it it was all over.

Zak was already in bed, silently scrolling through his phone while Darryl was changing into something comfortable to sleep in. Suddenly a message popped up on Zak's screen.

"Oh, Darry, I just got a message from a friend of mine, they are inviting us to a party on new years" Zak stated excitedly.

"Is that so?" Darryl replied, finally getting under the covers and snuggling into Zak's side. "That sounds cool" Darryl said, smiling and yawning. "we should totally go". Zak nodded and kissed Darryl's cheek.

"Thank you for this day Darryl, it was really amazing" Zak whispered, turning the lamp on the nightstand off. Darryl turned to him, the dim light that came in through their window was reflected in his beautiful emerald eyes.

"It wouldn't have been half as amazing if you wouldn't be in it" Darryl said back in a soft and loving voice. He touched his lips to Zak and they kissed in a moment of magic. Warmth and happiness like no other filled them both.

"Merry christmas, Zak" Darryl said as they pulled away, his head fell onto his pillow. He could barely manage to keep his eyes open.

"Good night, Darryl" Zak quickly pecked Darryl's lips before letting his own head rest on Darryl's chest. He closed his eyes before letting one last sentence echo out into the silent night:

"I love you so much"

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